[Bf-python] bone.setQuat() - not working?

Michael Schardt M.Schardt at web.de
Thu Apr 8 16:52:11 CEST 2004


I'm trying to pose an armature for MakeHuman via python.
Anyone tried bone.setQuat()? Using this function does indeed change the bone's quaternion - but only as long as there's no redraw.
But without redrawing the window you won't see any changes...
Try this: print a bone's quat with bone.getQuat(). Then set it with bone.setQuat() and look at the result with bone.getQuat() again - ok so far
Now do a Blender.Window.Redraw() and look at the quaternion again - it's back at its old value.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Greetings, Michael
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