[Verse-dev] Bugs in verse

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Sun Nov 21 22:37:40 CET 2010


I probably haven't fond a bug in verse for 4 years and now they come all
at once.

The first one isn't really a bug in verse, it looks like its compiler bug.
There is a particular line in the big number math system that gcc compiler
(at least Xcode) seams to optimize away for some reason. Emil and I took
an evening to look at it and got completely dumbfounded by the output from
the compiler. We found a fix for this (ill publish it when i get to my
computer) but we cant really tell why its a fix, more then that is did fix

Second while reading up on sockets last night i found that verse
implementation of select doesn't use the read pointer as it should. This
isn't really a bug but fixing it could lead to some performance increases.

Finally when looking at the login code, with jiri at the blender
conference I noticed that verse does not send a random number to be
included in the clients encrypted login, making it possible for an
attacker to replicate the login to gain access.

So maybe only the last one is a real bug, but still, the other two should
be addressed too.



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