[Verse-dev] Verse R4pre

Thorsten Jordan Thorsten_Jordan at gmx.de
Fri Sep 17 13:23:38 CEST 2004

Nathan Letwory wrote:
>>On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 12:04:14 +0300 (EEST)
> I have a small problem, though. In a previous patch I tried to add object
> nodes (using verse_send_node_create(0,V_NT_OBJECT,G.v_avatar)), but all
> that happens is that at blenders side the command gets sent, but nothing
> is received in the server. The odd thing is, that doing so from Connector
> works as expected. Walking through the code I see no actual difference in
> the actual verse_send_node_create call. Do other people have any
> experience with this?
i think it is the same problem we discussed some weeks ago: when you 
send a create with an existing node id (here 0) it is treated as change, 
and no new node is created. you have to use 0xffffffff as node_id to 
create new nodes and count down this number by one for each created node 
(you may want to look at my pusher code for an example)

Greetings, Thorsten

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