[Verse-dev] Spec updates

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Thu Oct 7 17:32:12 CEST 2004


>I found some time after wrestling with slides and stuff (for the
>upcoming Blender Conference) to update the specification.
I have a lot too, but i will get time to work  on the spec after the 
blender conference. (Actually im going to to Tokyo the 24th and coming 
back the 14th, i hope to have mail access when im gone but it will 
probably be limited.)

>The version at <http://www.blender.org/modules/verse/verse-spec/>
>is now a lot more up to date, with R4 features in many places.
>There is text missing for many of these features; I simply have
>not had the time to learn about them well enough to describe
>them. :/ One good way to cure this is to ask specific questions
>on the mailing list; hopefully Eskil can respond, 
Ask away! I re post the list of changes to give you an idea if what to 
ask about.


+ Major rewrite of connections
+ Major rewrite of networking
+ Major performance boost
+ Data encryption added
+ Verse now only uses one port.
+ added verse_host_id_create and verse_host_id_set
+ verse_send_connect takes "expected_host_id" param
+ verse_send_connect_accept takes "host_id" param
+ new verse_send_connect_terminate replaces terminate and deny commands
+ verse_send_node_create now takes "VNodeOwner" param
+ New function to get a sessions time: verse_session_get_time
+ new functions: verse_send_o_anim_run and verse_send_o_anim_stop
+ All transform commands updated for new time format
+ verse_send_a_stream commands updated for new time format
+ Method names can be longer.
+ bones now have "weight" and "reference" params
+ VMatFrag now uses enums instead of uint8s
+ New animation fragment
+ New volume fragment
+ output now has "label"
+ verse_send_b_layer_set_tile -> verse_send_b_tile_set
+ verse_send_b_init_dimensions now verse_send_b_dimensions_set
+ verse_send_c_curve_key_destroy renamed verse_send_c_key_destroy
+ Curves can now have up to 4 dimensions.
+ verse_send_c_curve_key_set -> verse_send_c_key_set
+ verse_send_c_curve_key_destroy -> verse_send_c_key_destroy
+ Audio blocks added

Things that are not done:

- testing.
- Login Encryption.
- Ping command not properly implemented.
- Physic node (dont hold your breath on that one)
- Some server implementation.

This week the Clash rocks my house. Rock the Cashbah!

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