[Uni-verse] Status D2.3

Becker at tii.se Becker at tii.se
Fri Dec 10 13:04:09 CET 2004

Uni-Verse partners

Hi friends

Reactions so far, are from:
Emil/KTH       - a new draft
Eskil/KTH      - first update, waiting for more
Martin/II      - waiting for signals
Sascha, Marcus - wainting for signals
Lauri and Ludde - no change needed
Schreck/-+      - waiting for signals
Niklas/Paregos  - a new draft

So we are waiting for several parts...
Plan was to have your first drafts early this week
and produce a first draft of D2.3. I understand
all are working hard, but as time is pretty short I
would like to have a comment on missing parts ASAP about
* what changes you plan for of your parts of D2.3 and
* when will this be finalised, first draft

See you on Monday, PCC!

Peter Becker

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