[Soc-2016-dev] Status update Mantaflow fluids

Sebastián Barschkis sebbas at sebbas.org
Sat Apr 30 13:40:36 CEST 2016

Hi everyone,

Sebastián here (sebbas on IRC) - I am the one who is working on Mantaflow
fluids with Nils Thuerey. We've been meeting regularly for some time now (I've
been working on the smoke integration) and I expect this process to continue
throughout the summer for the liquid integration.

The outline of that project can be found here:

Other than that, during the past few days I did some warm-up. I ...

- had a really nice chat with one of the Payoneer employees. It was about the
GSoC payment options. Conclusion: Whatever option you choose, you will pay
fees in one or the other way. Deal with it!

- talked to some artists at FMX conference. A fair amount of them already
knows what's going on during this GSoC and most are excited about the Blender

Finally I was just wondering about how branches will be handled.

Will there be separate streamlined gsoc-branches for each student
(soc-2016-xyz) or will those who already have a branch keep working on them?

Maybe someone can comment here or on IRC.

Best wishes,

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