[Soc-2013-dev] Weekly Report 14 VSE

Alexandr Kuznetsov kuzsasha at gmail.com
Sat Sep 21 08:36:09 CEST 2013

==Week 14==
Sadly I had only few days to work on this project this week.
* Fixed modifier - one input effect issues
* Was cleaning out effects code
* Added some code optimization (memory copying)
* Working on SSE2 integration

In the remaining few days I will update the documentation, upload the 
rest of the code and demos.

SSE2 optimization is coming along nicely. I was thinking of porting the 
slightly modified seqCommand to the trunk when the code is ready. With 
that code we can unify the float/char implementations, multithreading, 
and have code in individual files. That way the merge of this project 
later on will be less painful.

Sadly I overestimated my abilities for this project. I lost time by 
reimplementing the same code due to the interface optimizations. 
Although the VSE got a lot faster, some parts in current VSE engine 
aren't implemented. These features will be slowly added in the next few 
month. Hopefully, by the spring this project will be trunk ready.

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