[Soc-2012-dev] UI Tasklist Update

Jorge Rodriguez bs.vino at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 00:50:18 CEST 2012

This week I spent making sure the floating controls in the 3D view work in
a variety of situations.

   - Added a "clear" function for bit-field boolean RNA properties, used by
   a "clearfield" parameter for the "prop" command. This allows python scripts
   to create buttons which clear the entire bitfield before setting a value,
   thus enabling mutually exclusive buttons where only one can be toggled at a
   time. This behavior can be overridden if shift is held down by the user.
   All of this is used by the TRS that I did two weeks ago but also by the new
   vert/edge/face selection floating buttons that I just added. Clicking one
   clears the others. It can be used for other things as well. It required
   substantial changes to the RNA interface, but I tried to implement it in a
   way that minimized the impact of the changes as much as possible.
   - Fixed the problem where the 3d view wasn't updated after the floating
   controls option is changed.
   - I introduced an operator which switches to edit mode and activates a
   specific edit selection mode at the same time. This lets a designer create
   buttons that go to a specific edit selection mode when the user is in
   object mode. I used this operator for the vert/edge/face selection, but
   only when in object mode. This is a bit of sleight of hand since the
   underlying mechanism of the buttons changes between object and edit mode
   but it allows the function of the button to remain as expected by the user.
   - I added a button to switch back to object mode. This required a new
   RNA property.
   - I've been checking a lot of the control type to make sure that
   everything works properly now that they're floating. So far, so good.
   - Finally I game another shot at the manipulator, experimenting with
   arranging the two-dimension scale/translate manipulators such that they
   don't look so cluttered.

This week's build is now up here:

Next week I'll be going back to fixing bugs and items from my list.

Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez
[ Tweet <http://twitter.com/vinobs> | Like <http://www.facebook.com/bsvino>|
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