[Soc-2012-dev] Android Port - Weekly Report 12

Alexandr Kuznetsov ak3636 at nyu.edu
Sat Aug 11 06:10:43 CEST 2012

Week 12 (August 6 - 10)

   - Merged software matrix stack
      - Resolved selection and other important issues
      - Still we relay on gluUnProject for now
   - Make VBO compatibility interface (if glMapBuffer is available)
      - Very simple for now
   - Renamed gpu functions to gpu_gl for clarity
   - Added gpu view for setting and clearing the view
      - To avoid setting REAL_GL_MODE for GLES
   - Converted unsupported drawing types like GL_POLYGON, GL_QUAD_STRIP,
   and some GL_QUADS to analogus.
      - Did testing, doesn't effect rendering
      - Multiple drawing of GL_QUADS are harder. Probably, I will write
      - GL_QUADS are deprecated. With n-gons there is no advantage of
      GL_QUADS. They should be probably removed eventually from the code.
   - Was investigating what should be done to complete the port.
      - A lot of single-time functions which aren't in ES
      - http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:AlexK/Gsoc2012/GPU_ToDo (no
      in order of importance)
   - Code clean up

Next Week ToDo

   - Update documents on how to build for Android/make package independent
   - start builtin shaders/gpuImmediate OpenGL ES implementation
   - Finish Sensor in GE (python API)
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