[Bsod-mentors] Re: Deadline approaching!

GSR gsr.b3d at infernal-iceberg.com
Mon Jul 17 17:21:47 CEST 2006

tim.wakeham at gmail.com (2006-07-17 at 1139.39 +1000):
> We need an update from everyone now please.  I'm willing to extend the
> deadline by maybe a week if you guys need it, but you need to let us know
> now.

My current project is going nice, maybe a bit rushed (I did not count
with work having so much extra load :[ ) but could finish on time,
just probably with some silly errors in text and so on due lack of

The adjust hardware, light concept and ao with spots pages are done,
just lacking polish and maybe rerenders / recaptures. The main core
exercises are all finished (sunny, cloudy, overcast, night, room and
flashlight) and the text for them is around 50% done, which I hope to
finish today, and the last two days for upload and basic polish. One
more week would allow for adding some extras, like fake caustics or
compositing lights (tho those would not be exactly intro to lighting,
more like medium level) or polishing by getting comments from people
around here.


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