[Bsod-mentors] Deadline approaching!

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at superig.com.br
Mon Jul 17 15:21:49 CEST 2006

Tim Wakeham wrote:
> We need an update from everyone now please.

Hi Tim and all,

Project: principles of animation

I'd like more time, too (one week would be great).

I can "finish" this Wednesday by cutting short on what I want to add and 
doing the rest after the BSod. This would mean having the basic 
definitions for each principle (+ physics and story development comments 
for half of them), two basic tute projects using multiple principles, 
and a few other things (one or two smaller tutes, images).

This is much less than I want to add, of course. As I told you, the 
project requires considerably more than "20 pages" or one week of work. 
And as others have mentioned, it's also taking far more time than 
expected to finish things, specially improving the text. We all know 
this happens, but always fall into the same trap...

Anyway, more time would surely help BSod, in my opinion, because the 
deadline marks the moment when many users will come to read the results. 
The more complete and revised the entries are, the better.


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