[Bf-taskforce25] Keyboard Shortcuts Proposal

Alberto Torres kungfoobar at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 13:20:57 CEST 2009


There are several keys that I use frequently which in your proposal
are just gone:

Z: I use it a lot for selecting things that are behind something (in
edit mode I have 'occlude background geometry' always enabled and use
Z instead), I also use shift+z and alt+z altough not so frequently.

X: I also use this a lot since I use a laptop, it's much closer than Del.

Ctrl+1/2/3/4: I also use this frequently. I would move shift+O to
ctrl+<the key at the left of 1>.

L (editmode): Why there's no alternative to this key?

O (editmode): I would move it closer to the left side, and have it
enable "connected PET" by default

shift+space: of course!! (I've found in 2.5 is ctrl+space, don't know
why, I thought the context search was going to be there)

f1/shift+f1: I use it and there's no alternative

There are several keys that are wrong in your 2.49 editmode: alt+s
(shrink/flatten), T (does nothing), C (does nothing).

That "join objects" in edit mode puzzled me at first, but later I
found it logical: ctrl+select an outer object and join it in. Did you
thought this or it's already present in 2.5?

The pivot keys (, and .) should remain, or maybe "." for 3d cursor and
"," for rotating the rest of pivot options.

I usually toggle between the first layers frequently (I put the things
I acces frequently to the first 4 layers so I can switch between them
or enable all of them at once with shift+1/2/3/4).

8/9/0 is too far!

I would split the 'specials' menu in 2-4 keys. We'll discuss this later.

I have mixed feelings with TAB and modes, but I think I should try it
before giving my opinion on this one.

I agree with mouse buttons as long as I can configure them AND I can
select bones while weight painting (that's the #1 reason I didn't
stick with the button swap option when I tried it)


-- Alberto

2009/6/22 William Reynish <william at reynish.com>:
> Hi all,
> After recent discussions about changing a few keyboard keys around, we
> agreed to wait and make a more thorough proposal, analyzing the
> keyboard layout as a whole instead of changing this individually.
> Here's such a proposal:
> http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/BlenderDev/Blender2.5/UIKeyboardLayouts
> I realize this is a sensitive topic, and there are of course multiple
> ways you could improve the layout, but it's become clear to me that
> some cleanup is needed.
> I've assumed here that we'll get a radial menu system similar to what
> Matt Ebb proposed a few years ago, because this has an impact on how
> we think about keys with multiple options.
> Of course I'd be happy to hear comments or suggestions.
> Cheers
> -William
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