[Bf-taskforce25] Keyboard Shortcuts Proposal

William Reynish william at reynish.com
Mon Jun 22 14:12:47 CEST 2009

Hi Alberto,

Thanks for comments.
I'll upload a new version of the keymap images in a jiffy.

On 22 Jun, 2009, at 1:20 PM, Alberto Torres wrote:

> Hi,
> There are several keys that I use frequently which in your proposal
> are just gone:
> Z: I use it a lot for selecting things that are behind something (in
> edit mode I have 'occlude background geometry' always enabled and use
> Z instead), I also use shift+z and alt+z altough not so frequently.
> X: I also use this a lot since I use a laptop, it's much closer than  
> Del.
> Ctrl+1/2/3/4: I also use this frequently. I would move shift+O to
> ctrl+<the key at the left of 1>.


> L (editmode): Why there's no alternative to this key?

This is an oversight.

> O (editmode): I would move it closer to the left side, and have it
> enable "connected PET" by default

I'll put it on the Q key for now.

> shift+space: of course!! (I've found in 2.5 is ctrl+space, don't know
> why, I thought the context search was going to be there)

Like I said there are three keys combos for this - better have one.  
But yeah, it can be shift-space.

> f1/shift+f1: I use it and there's no alternative
> There are several keys that are wrong in your 2.49 editmode: alt+s
> (shrink/flatten), T (does nothing), C (does nothing).

C does center the view around the cursor. Forgot to add alt-s though.

> That "join objects" in edit mode puzzled me at first, but later I
> found it logical: ctrl+select an outer object and join it in. Did you
> thought this or it's already present in 2.5?

I did this to increase consistency across modes. As much as possible  
you should be able to use same keys in different modes, but not sure  
if this is technically feasible.

> The pivot keys (, and .) should remain, or maybe "." for 3d cursor and
> "," for rotating the rest of pivot options.

Thing is there are five pivot modes, not two. Each currently has its  
own key combo which is a little hard to remember. With a single key  
(no modifier) + radial menus you could quickly change pivot modes to  
any of the five possibilities without having to remember five  
different hotkeys.

> I usually toggle between the first layers frequently (I put the things
> I acces frequently to the first 4 layers so I can switch between them
> or enable all of them at once with shift+1/2/3/4).
> 8/9/0 is too far!

Yeah well the idea is to have mode selection on the number keys. You  
could also have just one key for modes which invokes a pie menu. This  
would make the key layout more compact but I think changing modes  
warrant own hotkeys.

> I would split the 'specials' menu in 2-4 keys. We'll discuss this  
> later.

Specials will most likely not exist in 2.5. We can have an improved  
context sensitive toolbox(space), but no longer the same random  
collection of items in the specials menu.

> I have mixed feelings with TAB and modes, but I think I should try it
> before giving my opinion on this one.
> I agree with mouse buttons as long as I can configure them AND I can
> select bones while weight painting (that's the #1 reason I didn't
> stick with the button swap option when I tried it)

This could be done with a click-through modifier, such as holding  
Ctrl. There is also a similar conflict for the painting modes, but  
that is fixable.

> Cheers
> -- Alberto

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