[Bf-taskforce25] Action and pose rna issues

Roland Hess me at harkyman.com
Fri Jan 16 17:36:03 CET 2009


> * loc/rot(quat)/scale settings have not been exposed yet. These are the
> user-editable transform settings used to pose armatures. The new animation
> system will definitely need this...


> Incorrectly exposed things
> * 'protected' setting - this is really the transform locks stuff PER CHANNEL
> (locx/locy/loc/rotx/roty/rotz/scalex/scaley/scalez) instead of a single
> boolean. Check how this is done for objects, since it uses the same flags.
Ah -- I thought that was for overall channel locking. Misunderstood the 
dna. I'll fix it.

> * pose head/tail location - these are set internally and shouldn't be
> editable by the user. Personally, I'd prefer if they were not exposed at
> all, but that is debatable. Same goes for the matrices...

I made them "PROP_NOT_EDITABLE" already. Isn't that read-only, or do we 
have to do something else? I think it's important to have that 
information exposed to python scripters. I know that the rna is done 
with the user interface in mind, but shouldn't we also be thinking of 
the py folks? You don't want users fooling around with this info, nor do 
they even need to see it really, but I can think of a ton of things to 
do with this data in python. You can cut them if you really think so, 
but I bet we'll be re-adding them later when Python people start asking 
for it.

> Weird things
> * 'parent' entry seems to be duplicated here for some reason... Perhaps it's
> just an old build I'm running.

Possibly. I have only one reference to Parent in my checkout for 
rna_action and rna_pose.

I'll make these adjustments today.

Thanks for reviewing!


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