[Bf-taskforce25] data api proposal

Jean-Luc Peurière jlp at nerim.net
Tue Sep 30 21:44:16 CEST 2008

Le 30 sept. 08 à 02:45, Michael Fox a écrit :

> - the only limits i have seen has been when you are defining  
> buttons, i
> agree there should be a scale of some sort eg, have soft limits like
> 0.5,1,5,10 etc ect, but how would the user know there is a huge  
> limit or
> small limit, i suggest automatically be generated in the tooltips like
> documentation as you define the limits when you define the access

About limits, I would suggest to be very carefull, and think a bit  
going wild.

A value has a normal range, eg a color component is in 0..1.
It may be usefull to allow intermediate results going outside the range
during calcultations before clamping, but to allow UI assignements
outside is a very different kettle of fish, and potentially dangerous.

In any case, if exceeding the soft limits is allowed, this should
produce a warning feedback in the UI (and a proheminent one
like a question mark beside the value or a red color).

And still, a hard limit should exist, as blender will crash on
non-sensical values.

User specified bounds can be hammered in that framework,
but then, we must also have a method to clear  the changes.

More problematic, both soft and hard limits may vary depending
of context.

Jean-Luc Peurière
jlp at nerim.net

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