[Bf-scripts-dev] Scripts bundle

Michael Edwards mike at onearmedman.com
Sun Feb 6 20:19:39 CET 2005

I wrote a script that I'd like to add called Kelvin2RGB.  It converts
Kelvin values to RGB colors on Lamps to help make realistic lighting.
It places itself in the Materials folder of the Scripts menu.  You can
find it here:

What the procedure for vetting it within this list?  It works well and
it's reasonably documented, but I'd like to know what the community
thinks of it so far.  I'm happy to make whatever changes are necessary.


On Sun, 2005-02-06 at 16:33 -0200, Willian Padovani Germano wrote:
> Hi again,
> The current bundle in Blender follows this:
> a) all are donated open source scripts;
> b) on win all required modules are shipped with Blender (full Python is 
> required in other platforms);
> For new scripts we will first discuss here, then move to bf-committers 
> or an irc meeting so we all can approve or not the inclusion.  For that, 
> the script must have been well tested at least on win, linux (*nix) and 
> os x and have good documentation -- check the scripts help browser 
> script in the help menu in Blender, then that script's code itself for 
> an example of how to write the doc.
> About scripts that require modules not shipped with Blender: if the 
> extra modules are quite small (it's not only the module, but also all 
> other modules it imports, the modules these modules import, and so on), 
> we can add them to the current Python23.zip.  Otherwise, if accepted we 
> might put the script in a separate package, where we'd have more freedom 
> for updates and content.  Anyway, scripts importing extra modules should 
> do it like this mere example:
> try:
>   import FOO
> except:
>   Blender.Draw.PupMenu('Error!%t|This script requires a full Python 
> install, check console')
>   print """
> Error: this script requires a full Python install (or module(s): FOO, 
> etc.).  You can download it from http://www.python.org"""
> Hey, we're here to discuss, so feel free to disagree, these things are 
> not set in stone yet ... or ever.
> We should also take a look at the bundled ones and see what is missing.  
> What about starting with Import and Export scripts?  We need 3ds, for 
> example.  And we need better documentation for most of them, stating 
> what is supported.  Also, should we make all these scripts follow basic 
> guidelines, like:
> - export only selected objects;
> - import always to the current scene;
> - give a popup on errors;
> - ...

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