[Bf-python] removing scripts...

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at superig.com.br
Fri Jul 28 15:31:19 CEST 2006


Sorry to take long to reply.

Campbell Barton wrote:
> Hey Guys, just want to get a list of scripts to remove.

This still isn't the proper way to do this. As others have pointed, a 
single developer can't know what is useful to people across the world 
doing many different things with Blender.

An example is that request by Franz about the option to let the uv 
export script pack multiple sets in a single image. It's a *very* common 
need for games since the first textured one appeared.

So let's find a better way to decide these things. Scripts do need work, 
they are not up to the quality required to be in Blender:

*docs, better docs, user friendly docs
*interfaces need some standardization and better ui practices
*scripts should avoid failing and instead return proper error msgs
*packing multiple functionality in a single script is not a good idea in 
general, it's better to split in more scripts

and so on.

About Kloputils, indeed it needs updates and would be better if each 
functionality could be in a separate script. Python makes this very 
easy, just use a module to store functions needed by more than one script.

Klópes possibly is interested in getting feedback and updating it?

I'll continue in another email...


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