[Bf-python] removing scripts...

jmsoler at free.fr jmsoler at free.fr
Wed Jul 26 07:32:16 CEST 2006

knife.py : As the plan can be located like an object,
this script is often used  to have a very precise cut .
You can not do that with the internal knife .

As I say to you last sunday : what about scripts
that do not work at all ? in Animation : Armature symmetry,
for instance ?

What about all these :

1/ "UV : find path image target" , really not useful since there is system tools
for that, such a script is ridiculous in a 3D soft .

2/ "the script relax selected uv"  gives  ugly shapes when all the vertex are
selected and  never stop ...

3/ Mesh :  "Triangle 2 quads" there is already a tool for that (mode edit alt-j)

4/ Mesh : "Polyreducer" , there is already a tool for that tool (modifier :
decimate )

5/ Mesh :  script mirror location, one more, there is also a tool for that .

6/ Mesh :  clean Mesh, very obscur use . Very very short documentation .

7/ Object&Mesh : bone weight, 2 scripts with the same name ?

8/ Object : uvcopy  ? very limited use (object to 'exactly' the same object ,
but why not), with a curious location  why "Object" ? It should be in UV . very
very short documentation .


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