[Bf-python] Re: Python 2.4

Jean-Luc Peurière jlp at nerim.net
Fri Aug 12 23:15:42 CEST 2005

Le 3 août 05, à 17:37, Stephen Swaney a écrit :

> On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 12:17:31PM +0300, Toni Alatalo wrote:
>> but what will happen on Macs? even 10.4 ships with 2.3.5.. and there 
>> are
>> no facilities to deal with multiple versions of Python, really -
> Someone always has to be the odd man out, eh?
> I'm am not an osxer so perhaps someone who actually knows
> something can comment, however:
> 1) Blender does not need an installed python to run since
> the interpreter is imbedded.
> 2) Python itself seems quite happy (at least on loonix)
> with multiple versions of itself installed.
> 3) can't the osxers simply install an upgrade to Py 2.4?

Installing a framework version of python 2.4 in system  is not a 
problem for the experienced user
and would allow it to cohabit easily with the Apple 2.3, that is the 
whole point of frameworks.

However there is some shortcomings :

- Blender on the mac is a no-install app. Adding python will need 
installer with root privileges.
  that's a serious problem, as it means more complexity for the user.
- If apple ships a python 2.4 himself during an update or for the next 
version, there will be conflicts
- apple python has some differences with python.org one (in installed 
modules mostly), this may
interfere with use of the previous versions
- installing a non framework version of python (with fink) proved in 
the past to be a too complex task
  for most users (need shell use)
- python 2.4 cant be installed on Os X 10.2 and need a patch for 10.3.

For all this reasons, as the apple platform manager, i would prefer 
that we keep 2.3 for the official builds,
as it is the most compatible version for 10.2 to 10.4

Note that there is many chances python will be upgraded by Apple in the 
next months, if you consider their
past records (they have a 6-9 month delay for non essential or 
security-related upgrades).

At this moment, it will be safe to upgrade for Tiger, and Panther i hope


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