[Bf-python] bundled scripts group

Stephen Swaney sswaney at swbell.net
Mon Sep 13 16:32:27 CEST 2004

Willian Padovani Germano wrote:
> ** The first thing to discuss is how/where the group members will
> communicate.  Next comes a place where script authors can post their
> updated scripts or new contributions.
> Available resources we can use include mailing list, Python forum at
> blender.org and elysiun.com, wiki as Nathan suggested today and project
> at projects.blender.org.
> Manuel pointed he prefers to use a mailing list for discussions.  I
> agree and others have also mentioned they prefer mailing lists, question
> then is: bf-python or should we create a new one specifically for this?

I'm rather partial to a wiki myself, but if we need one we
can always grab some space over on the existing wiki.

I would recomend creating a separate mailing list for the script
group.  The communities certainly overlap, but scripts are basically
a product from the user community. I don't think the scripters will 
be interested in patches to the bpy code and other internal issues.

You can make the argument that we could subdivide the existing
bpy list by simply including the word SCRIPTS in the subject,
but given the annoying tendency of people to start new threads
by replying to an existing one, I don't think this would work.
( Yes, I admit the subject thing is a pet peeve. )

Consider this a vote for a new and separate list.

Stephen Swaney			
sswaney at swbell.net

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