[Bf-python] SpaceScript suggestion

Manuel Bastioni manuelbastioni at tin.it
Mon Feb 16 15:17:21 CET 2004

> One way already available, is really letting the user split the window
> herself, since by leaving the scripts window open there, the user has
> access to all available script categories from the "Scripts" menu.  And
> even calling from the File->Export menu, for example, if there is a
> script window available, it'll be used instead of the biggest area
> found.

It seem it work even if Blender don't have script window available.
I'm trying MakeHuman:

It work in 2 step:

-user split the 3Dwindow --> this mean two 3Dwindows, not script win 
-user go in file->import->makehuman

Now it work fine, but was a problem with a "return" character. From
text window it worked, but from file->import it returned an error. I've 
fixed the problem use IDLE to type the "return". It seem Blender 
textwindow add an extra space to last line with return...bah...I don't
understand completely the bug....however now makehuman work fine in the 
spacescript :-)



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