[Bf-gamedev] Logic Editor

Josh Cook jaybirdcook at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 17:51:15 CET 2014

Hello, my name is Josh and I really love Blender. I have been using it for
a while now and I simply adore it. However, I would like to see a few
improvements with the logic editor for making games. I am not very familiar
with Python so I primarily use the Logic Editor to make games. In the *Motion
Actuator* you can set the speed of the motion and rotation with a number
value. However I would like to be able to use a variable (Game Property) so
the speed can change automatically with that property.

I would Love to also see a few new Logic Node Sensors and Actuators.

First, a "*Velocity Sensor*" a sensor that can sense the velocity of an
object.It would be useful to tell if a character has fallen a great
distance"so,that his health can be damaged."

Second, a "*Location Actuator" *an actuator that will send an object to a
location. The Motion Actuator is Good but, not useful for "teleporting" or
"spawning". It should also have the ability to copy the location of an
other object (similar to the "track to" option).

Thank you for your taking the time to read my email.I REALLY love blender
and think it is one of the coolest programs available on the internet.

>From your loyal Blender Enthusiast,
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