[Bf-funboard] Re: On the subject of object IDs and renderpasses

GSR gsr.b3d at infernal-iceberg.com
Thu Dec 7 07:15:15 CET 2006

matt at mke3.net (2006-12-07 at 1524.54 +1100):
> Unlike Object ID channels, render layers are *anti-aliased*, and will  

Lack of antialias is a "bug", Ton is well aware of it, and has been
thinking about just keeping all samples or use a bitmask approach. He
already did something similar in render for alpha case
As time passes memory and disk increase will "solve" it anyway.

> also provide extra pixels that would otherwise be occluded, which can  
> be useful for all sorts of things like blur and glow. In this context  

Ton has also been thinking about depth buffers and RLA/RPF format,
which allow keeping occluded surfaces for postprocessing. Combustion
seems to make use of the info, others probably too.


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