[Bf-docboard-svn] bf-manual: [8164] trunk/blender_docs/manual: some fixes

Tobias Heinke noreply at blender.org
Wed Jun 23 23:38:06 CEST 2021

Revision: 8164
Author:   TobiasH
Date:     2021-06-23 23:38:06 +0200 (Wed, 23 Jun 2021)
Log Message:
some fixes
remove doubled doc of options below

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/about/contribute/build.rst
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/about/contribute/build.rst	2021-06-23 04:13:36 UTC (rev 8163)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/about/contribute/build.rst	2021-06-23 21:38:06 UTC (rev 8164)
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
    run the command without having to open the Command Prompt and typing commands.
 This is the command you should use when building the docs,
-however, other commands are avaible by typing ``make help``.
+however, other commands are available by typing ``make help``.
 This command will convert the RST-files into HTML pages
-and automaticlly open your default web browser to view the result.
+and automatically open your default web browser to view the result.
 The command will continue to run and watch for changes made to the RST-files
 and refresh the HTML pages as necessary.

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/animation/armatures/bones/properties/bendy_bones.rst
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/animation/armatures/bones/properties/bendy_bones.rst	2021-06-23 04:13:36 UTC (rev 8163)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/animation/armatures/bones/properties/bendy_bones.rst	2021-06-23 21:38:06 UTC (rev 8164)
@@ -146,9 +146,8 @@
    or introduce non-uniform spacing along the Y axis. Similar to *Roll* it is
    interpolated per segment.
-   Since all segments are still uniformly scaled in the Y direction to fit the
-   actual length of the curve, only the ratio between *Scale In Y* and *Scale Out Y*
-   actually matters.
+   Since all segments are still uniformly scaled in the Y direction to fit the actual length of the curve,
+   only the ratio between *Scale In Y* and *Scale Out Y* actually matters.
 .. _bpy.types.EditBone.bbone_easein:
 .. _bpy.types.EditBone.bbone_easeout:
@@ -156,15 +155,13 @@
 Ease In, Out
    The *Ease In/Out* number fields, change the "length" of the :ref:`"auto" <curve-handle-type-auto>` Bézier handle
    to control the "root handle" and "tip handle" of the bone, respectively.
    These values are proportional to the default length,
    which of course automatically varies depending on bone length,
    angle with the reference handle, and so on.
    Although easing is a scale-like value, the Edit Mode and Pose Mode versions of the values are added,
-   so they are correspondingly initialized to 1 and 0 by default.
+   so they get corresponding start values of 1 and 0 by default.
    .. list-table:: Ease In/Out settings example, with a materialized Bézier curve.
       * - .. figure:: /images/animation_armatures_bones_properties_bendy-bones_curve-in-out-1.png
@@ -228,10 +225,9 @@
    If enabled, the final Scale and/or Ease values are multiplied by the corresponding local scale
    channels of the handle bone. This step is applied independently of *Scale Easing* and doesn't
    interact with it, i.e. enabling *Y* and *Scale Easing* doesn't replace the *Ease* toggle.
+   These toggles are a more efficient replacement for up to eight trivial drivers passing segment scale data
+   from the handle bones into the B-Bone option properties.
-   These toggles are a more efficient replacement for up to 8 trivial drivers feeding segment scale
-   data from the handle bones into the B-Bone option properties.
 .. tip:: Keying Set
    The "BBone Shape" :doc:`Keying Set </animation/keyframes/keying_sets>` includes all Bendy Bones properties.

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/animation/armatures/bones/properties/deform.rst
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/animation/armatures/bones/properties/deform.rst	2021-06-23 04:13:36 UTC (rev 8163)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/animation/armatures/bones/properties/deform.rst	2021-06-23 21:38:06 UTC (rev 8164)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
    .. figure:: /images/animation_armatures_bones_properties_deform_envelope-distance.png
-      Single bone with various different envelope sizes.
+      Single bone with various envelope sizes.
 .. _bpy.types.Bone.envelope_weight:

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/animation/armatures/structure.rst
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/animation/armatures/structure.rst	2021-06-23 04:13:36 UTC (rev 8163)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/animation/armatures/structure.rst	2021-06-23 21:38:06 UTC (rev 8164)
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@
 (do not confuse them with similar names of bones' joints!).
 Chains of bones are a particularly important topic in :doc:`posing </animation/armatures/posing/index>`
-(especially with the standard *forward kinematics* versus "automatic" *inverse kinematics* posing techniques).
+(especially with the standard *forward* kinematics versus "automatic" *inverse* kinematics posing techniques).
 You create/edit them in *Edit Mode*, but except in case of connected bones,
 their relationships have no effect on bone transformations in this mode
 (i.e. transforming a parent bone will not affect its children).
 The easiest way to manage bones relationships is to use
-the :ref:`Relations panel <bpy.types.EditBone.parent>` in the *Bone* tab.
+the :ref:`Relations panel <bpy.types.EditBone.parent>` in the Bone tab.

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/interface/controls/templates/data_block.rst
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/interface/controls/templates/data_block.rst	2021-06-23 04:13:36 UTC (rev 8163)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/interface/controls/templates/data_block.rst	2021-06-23 21:38:06 UTC (rev 8164)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
    The icon on the left specifies the accepted data-block type.
    The text field functions as a search field by matching elements in the list.
-   Press :kbd:`Enter` to auto-complete names up to the level a match is found.
+   Press :kbd:`Tab` to auto-complete names up to the level a match is found.
    If more than one match exists, you have to continue typing.
    If you type an invalid name, the value will remain unchanged.

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/modeling/geometry_nodes/curve/curve_reverse.rst
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/modeling/geometry_nodes/curve/curve_reverse.rst	2021-06-23 04:13:36 UTC (rev 8163)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/modeling/geometry_nodes/curve/curve_reverse.rst	2021-06-23 21:38:06 UTC (rev 8164)
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 The *Curve Reverse* node swaps the start and end of splines.
 The shape of the splines is not changed.
-An optional spline selection can be used to reverse only some of the splines.

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/modeling/geometry_nodes/curve/curve_to_points.rst
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/modeling/geometry_nodes/curve/curve_to_points.rst	2021-06-23 04:13:36 UTC (rev 8163)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/modeling/geometry_nodes/curve/curve_to_points.rst	2021-06-23 21:38:06 UTC (rev 8164)
@@ -1,52 +1,53 @@
-.. index:: Geometry Nodes; Curve to Point
-.. _bpy.types.GeometryNodeCurveToPoints:
-Curve to Points
-.. figure:: /images/modeling_geometry-nodes_curve_curve-to-points_node.png
-   :align: center
-   The Curve to Points node.
-The *Curve to Points* node samples points on all splines of a curve.
-The generated points have a ``tangent``, ``normal`` and ``rotation`` attribute that can be used for instancing.
-.. note::
-   The radius of the generated points the radius of the curve divided by 10.
-   Standard geometry input.
-   Number of points to sample on each spline.
-   Approximate distance between the sampled points on each spline.
-   :Evaluated:
-      Output the points that make up the visible curve.
-      This takes the built-in ``resolution`` attribute into account.
-      It is the fastest method but in most cases the points will not have equal distance.
-   :Count:
-      Sample the given amount of points on each spline. The points will have equal distance along the spline.
-   :Length:
-      Calculate the number of samples by splitting each spline into segments with the specified length.
-      The length will be rounded down so that a whole number of samples will fit in each input spline.
-   Standard geometry output.
+.. index:: Geometry Nodes; Curve to Point
+.. _bpy.types.GeometryNodeCurveToPoints:
+Curve to Points
+.. figure:: /images/modeling_geometry-nodes_curve_curve-to-points_node.png
+   :align: center
+   The Curve to Points node.
+The *Curve to Points* node samples points on all splines of a curve.
+The generated points have a ``tangent``, ``normal`` and ``rotation`` attribute that can be used for instancing.
+.. note::
+   The radius of the generated points the radius of the curve divided by 10.
+   Standard geometry input.
+   Number of points to sample on each spline.
+   Approximate distance between the sampled points on each spline.
+   :Evaluated:
+      Output the points that make up the visible curve.
+      This takes the built-in ``resolution`` attribute into account.
+      It is the fastest method but in most cases the points will not have an equal distance.
+   :Count:
+      Sample the given amount of points on each spline. The points will have an equal distance along the spline.
+   :Length:
+      Calculate the number of samples by splitting each spline into segments with the specified length.
+      The length will be rounded down so that a whole number of samples will fit in each input spline.
+   Standard geometry output.

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/modeling/geometry_nodes/geometry/raycast.rst
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/modeling/geometry_nodes/geometry/raycast.rst	2021-06-23 04:13:36 UTC (rev 8163)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/modeling/geometry_nodes/geometry/raycast.rst	2021-06-23 21:38:06 UTC (rev 8164)
@@ -11,18 +11,11 @@
    Raycast node.
 The *Raycast* node intersects rays from one geometry onto another.

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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