[Bf-compositor] Wiki

Sebastian König koenig.sebastian at gmx.net
Sun Nov 3 11:55:57 CET 2013

I already sent out a mail to this list announcing the new wiki page (WIP).

However, I wanted to have some feedback from you regarding the structure and order of that page.

My idea would be to have 3 main sections: 
1) Performance, 
2) Usability 
3) Features.

So everything related to things like ram preview, faster nodetree updates etc  would go to 1, things like better roto workflow, node-shelf, new button layout etc. go to 2, and new nodes, new backdrop features etc could go to 3.
On the top of the page we could have a hitlist of the most pressing issues and most wanted features. 
But that’s open for discussion.

So, what do you guys think?



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