[Bf-committers] OpenGEX in Blender

Juan Linietsky reduzio at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 13:47:05 CEST 2014

Hi Guys!

Saw Ton's twit about OpenGEX:


I'm also interested in this format in Blender and would gladly make an
exporter. In fact I approached the author about rewriting my Collada
Exporter (which, despite functioning perfectly, I don't think there is any
will from the Blender developers to include it instead of the current
broken one.) to output OpenGEX. Maybe an OpenGEX plugin would have less
resistance from you guys to be included.

But the author of OpenGEX does not seem to care much about it being adopted
more widely. When I asked him if there is any viewer I could use for
reference to test if my exporter, he invited me to purchase his C4 engine
and refused to even give me a personal license to test. The format also has
many issues, as it exports texture paths as absolute only (so it does not
work as exchange format) and does not support animation clips. Tried to
convince the author about fixing these issues but he seems not interested
and stopped answering my mails.

Any advise?



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