[Bf-committers] Re: handcrafted makefiles, autotools, scons and cmake ?

Jacques Beaurain jacques.beaurain at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 17:31:41 CEST 2006

On 9/3/06, Jacques Beaurain <jacques.beaurain at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here are my work in progress so far. I've successfully compiled an run
> blender both in XCode on Macbook (Intel) and in VS2005. There is still
> some work to do, the game engine files are not done yet, resources,
> cleaner build dirs, packaging etc. I just thought some people may want
> to take a look and maybe comment on the direction I am taking.
> I modelled the structure to the Scons system, so the CMakeLists.txt
> files that lies right next to the SConscript files are very similar
> and should make it easy to maintain both in parallel.

Here is some more progress. This drop adds verse and also builds the
object files and binaries outside the source tree (../cmake-build) to
keep things cleaner. The dependencies (makesdna, verse mkprot) can
probably still be refined a little. The only things that are now
missing is gameengine and player and a review of the platform/IDE
dependant flags (OSX Intel/PPC, VS2003/2005, KDevelop). The main
CMakeLists.txt file contains IF's for just APPLE (Intel assumed) and
WIN32(VS2005 assumed).

To use:

1. Install the latest version of CMake for your platform
2. Untar the attachement in the blender source directory
3. You can either edit the CMakeLists.txt file to choose different
directories options to include or run cmake -i for wizard mode). Cmake
keeps a file called CMakeCache.txt that keeps your last options
(delete this file to return to defaults if you played around with
CMakeLists.txt files and want to regenerate the build cleanly.
4. The command "cmake -G Xcode" generates an XCode project called
Blender.xcodeproj. Just run cmake to see options for your platform.

Let me know if there is any questions.

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