[Bf-committers] Is this a bug ?

Meino Christian Cramer bf-committers@blender.org
Sat, 07 Jun 2003 11:13:50 +0200 (CEST)


 before I will fill the bugtracker with an useless report I want
 to ask, whether is a "real" bug.

 On page 64/65 of the printed book "The official Blender 2.0 guide"
 there is given a way to produce (something like= a spiral.

 This consists of a dupliframed nurbs circle.

 After making it real, all previously joined circles should be
 selected and after entering edit mode all vertices are selected

 The manual says: Press FKEY for generating a solid object.

 The current cvs blender snapshot displays
		ERROR: Can't make seqment


 Is the manual outdated, the description wrong (what should I do
 instead?) or is there a bug in blender ???

 Kind regards,