[Bf-docboard] License

Luke Stodola bf-docboard@blender.org
Fri, 02 Apr 2004 14:42:10 -0500

I got the book the other day and have been reading through it.  It seems 
the license is the OPL, not the OCL as I had thought.  Anyway, both of 
these licenses are rather outdated.  I'd like to see Blender's docs use 
the GNU GFDL instead, as it is much more standard for software 
documentation.  My question is: how many contributors have there been, 
and how feasible would it be to get permission to use another license at 
some hypothetical point in the future?  The reason I'm bringing it up 
now is that there will soon be a new influx of contributions, and before 
long it could become impossible to figure out clearly who has copyright 
on which part of the book.  In addition, it might be nice to see section 
authors for the major sections listed.
