[Bf-docboard] Python API docs!

Ton Roosendaal bf-docboard@blender.org
Thu, 22 May 2003 16:05:19 +0200

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Hey, that's nice work!
In 10 days I will also make the html version of the 2.0 manual  
available as open content. I've asked bart & stefano for help, but  
they've got no time. Basically the contents has to be fit in the  
current project, also converted to docbook...

I've attached 2 sample files, the wml file looks close to xml... what  
do you think, can  this be converted easily?


On Thursday, May 22, 2003, at 15:15 Europe/Amsterdam, Martin Middleton  

> Ton,
> I'm going to contribute the section on working with DocBook for the  
> Blender Manual.
> I've also joined the Python mailing list. I posted a message there  
> this morning letting them know that in the next few weeks I'll be  
> posting a Perl module that does text-to-docbook conversion. I'm  
> working with the original author to open source it. It will allow  
> people to create a DocBook compliant document by following a few  
> simple rules when creating a text file.
> - Oso
> _______________________________________________
> Bf-docboard mailing list
> Bf-docboard@blender.org
> http://www.blender.org/mailman/listinfo/bf-docboard
Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton@blender.org

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#use wml::std::page
#include "wml-include.inc"


<section>The AnimButtons</section>

<image pic="AnimButtons.tga"></image>

This ButtonsWindow visualises settings associated with animations,
most of which are part of the Object DataBlock.  It can also be used
to create Effects: like the 'Build'- and the 'Particles'-Effect.
Hotkey: F7.
<image pic="AnimButtonsBrowse.tga"></image>
The typical 'browse' MenuBut is missing here. Link Objects to other Scenes with the LinkMenu (CTRL+L).
<point>OB: (TextBut)</point>
Give the Object block a new and unique name. The Object is inserted again, sorted alphabetically.
<point>Users (But)</point>
If the Object block has multiple users, this button shows the total number of users. Press the button to make the Object "Single User". An exact copy is then created (exlusive the Object block).

<point>Tracking buttons</point>
<image pic="AnimButtonsTracking.tga"></image>

In Blender, Objects can be assigned a rotation <i>constraint</i>:
<li> Objects that always point in the direction of other Objects: CTRL+T, or "Make Track".
<li> Objects as Children of a Curve path, where the curve determines the rotation ("Follow" button).
<li> Particles can give rotations to Objects (see AnimButtons, Effects).
Because Objects have a rotation of their own, it is advisable to first erase this using ALT+R. If the Object is a Child, then erase the "Parent Inverse" as well using ALT+P.

Use these buttons to indicate how <i>tracking</i> must work:

<point>TrackX, Y, Z, -X, -Y, -Z (RowBut)</point>
Specifies the direction axis; the axis that, for example, must point to the other Object.
<point>UpX, UpY, UpZ (RowBut)</point>
Specify what axis must point 'up', in the direction of the (global) positive Z axis. If the "Track" axis is the same as the "Up" axis, this is turned off.

<point>PowerTrack (TogBut)</point>
<image pic="AnimButtonsPowertrack.tga"></image>
This option completely switches off the Object's own rotation and that of its Parents. Only for Objects that 'track' to another Object.

<point>DrawKey (TogBut)</point>
<image pic="AnimButtonsDrawKey.tga"></image>
If Objects have an Object Ipo, they can be drawn in the 3Dwindow as <i>key</i> <i>positions</i>. Key positions are drawn with this option ON <i>and</i> the IpoKeys ON (in the IpoHeader). Hotkey: KKEY.
<point>DrawKeySel (TogBut)</point>
Limits the drawing of <i>Object</i> <i>keys</i> to those selected.

<image pic="AnimButtonsDuplicators.tga"></image>
Blender can automatically generate Objects without actually creating them. To do this, an animation system must be created first. A 'virtual' copy of the Object will then be placed on every frame specified.  It is also possible to have a virtual copy placed on each <i>vertex</i> (or particle). 
This can be used as a modeling tool as well. To do this, select the duplicated Objects and press CTRL-SHIFT+A ("Make Dupli's Real").

<point>DupliFrames (TogBut)</point>
No matter how the Object moves, with its own Object Ipos or on a Curve path, a copy of the Object is made for every frame from "DupSta" to "DupEnd". The "DupliFrames" system is built for the specified frame interval.
<point>DupliVerts (TogBut)</point>
Child Objects are duplicated on all vertices of this Object (only with Mesh). 
<point>DupSta, DupEnd (NumBut)</point>
The start and end frame of the duplication.
<point>DupOn, DupOff (NumBut)</point>
Empty positions can be specified with the option "DupliFrames". For example: "DupOn" on '2', "DupOff" on '8' sets two copies on every 10 frames. The duplicated Objects move over the animation system like a sort of train.
<point>No Speed (TogBut)</point>
The "DupliFrames" are set to 'still', regardless of the current frame.

<point>Slurph (NumBut)</point>
<image pic="AnimButtonsVertexKeys.tga"></image>
This option is only available if there are VertexKeys. 
The "Slurph" value specifies a fixed delay for the interpolation of Keys <i>per</i> <i>vertex</i>. The first vertex comes first, the last vertex has a delay of "Slurph" frames. This effect makes quite special and realistic Key framing possible. 
Watch the sequence of vertices carefully with Meshes. The sequence can be sorted with the commands EditButtons->Xsort and EditButons->Hash. Naturally, it is important that this occurs <i>before</i> the VertexKeys are created, because otherwise quite unpredictable things can occur (however, it can be nice for Halos).

<point>Relative Keys (TogBut)</point>

This button toggles between using standard vertex keyframing and the
use of relative vertex keys. Relative vertex keys allowing mix, add or
subtract multiple vertex key positions independently. Best suited for
facial expression animations. 

<image pic="AnimButtonsOffsets.tga"></image>
<point>OffsOb (TogBut)</point>
The "TimeOffset" value works on its own Object Ipo.
<point>OffsPar (TogBut)</point>
The "TimeOffset" value works on the Parent relationship of the Object.
<point>OffsPart (TogBut)</point>
The "TimeOffset" value works on the Particle Effect.
<point>SlowPar (TogBut)</point>
The value of "TimeOffset" is used to create a 'delay' in the Parent relationship. This delay is cumulative and depends on the previous frame. When rendering animations, the complete sequence must always be rendered, starting with the first frame.

<point>TimeOffset (NumBut)</point>
Depending on the previously mentioned pre-sets, the animation is shifted a number of frames. This does not work for VertexKeys.
<point>Automatic Time (But)</point>
This generates automatic "TimeOffset" values for all <i>selected</i> Objects. The start value is the value of the "TimeOffset" button. A requestor pops up and asks for the size of the interval. Blender looks at the Object's screen coordinates in the nearest 3DWindow and calculates the offset values from left to right.
<point>PrSpeed (But)</point>
The speed of the Object is printed.

<image pic="AnimButtonsMapAnim.tga"></image>
<point>Map Old, Map New (NumBut)</point>
This button can be used to modify the internal time calculation. "Map Old" gives the previous value in frames; "Map New" specifies the number of frames that must be rendered. Only the mutual relations between these values are important.
Use this only to speed up or slow down the entire animation system. The absolute value 'frame' now becomes relative, which can be quite confusing if the animation must still be modified.
<point>AnimSpeed (NumBut)</point>
The maximum speed of the real-time animation playback, expressed in hundredths of a second.
<point>Sta, End (NumBut)</point>
The start and end frame of an animation to be rendered or played real-time.

<image pic="AnimButtonsCurve.tga"></image>
These buttons are only displayed if the active Object is a Curve.
<point>PathLen (NumBut)</point>
The length of the Curve path in frames, if there is no Speed Ipo.
<point>CurvePath (TogBut)</point>
Specifies that the Curve becomes a <i>path</i>. Children of this Curve now move over the curve. All Curves can become a <i>path</i>, but a 5th order Nurbs curve works best. It has no problems with movement and rotation discontinuity. 
<point>CurveFollow (TogBut)</point>
The Curve path passes a rotation to the Child Objects. The 'Tracking' buttons determine which axis the path follows.
In EditMode, horizontal lines are also drawn for a 3D curve. This determines the <i>tilt</i>, which is an extra axis rotation of the Child Objects. The <i>tilt</i> can be changed using the TKEY.
Curve paths cannot give uniform perpendicular (aligned with the local Z axis) rotations. In that case, the 'up' axis cannot be determined.
<point>PrintLen (But)</point>
The length of the path is printed in Blender units.

<image pic="AnimButtonsIpo.tga"></image>
These buttons are displayed if an IpoWindow is present in the same Screen.

<point>Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax (NumBut)</point>
The numbers above these buttons specify the boundbox of all the visible curves in the IpoWindow. Use the buttons to enter a new value.
<point>Set (But)</point>
The new values of the boundbox are assigned to the visible curves in the IpoWindow.

<image pic="AnimButtonsSpeedSet.tga"></image>
<point>Speed (NumBut)</point>
In certain cases, the exact speed of a translation caused by Object Ipos must be determined. Proceed as follows to do this:
<li> In the IpoWindow, make only the LocX, LoxY, LocZ curves visible.
<li> Set the IpoKey option ON (KKEY in the IpoWindow).
<li> Select the keys that must be assigned a particular speed.
<li> Only keys that already have a speed and direction can be changed. If the speed is 0.0, nothing happens.
<li> Press the "Set" Button.

<subsection>Anim Effects: Build</subsection>

Three effects are currently built in: "Build", "Particles" and
"Wave".  Effects are a fixed part of the Object; they cannot have any
links or multiple users.

<image pic="AnimButtonsBuildEffect.tga"></image>

<point>New Effect (But)</point>
Create a new Effect.
<point>Delete (But)</point>
Delete the Effect. 
<point>Build (MenuBut)</point>
Select an effect.

The Build Effect works on Meshes, which are built up face by face over time. It also works on the vertices in Halo Meshes.
The sequence in which this happens can be specified in the 3DWindow with  CTRL+F: "Sort Faces" (not in EditMode).  The <i>faces</i> of the <i>active</i> Mesh Object are sorted. The current face in the 3DWindow is taken as the starting point. The leftmost <i>face</i> first, the rightmost <i>face</i> last.

<point>Len (NumBut)</point>
The total time the building requires.
<point>SFra (NumBut)</point>
The frame number on which the Effect starts.

<subsection>Anim Effects: Particles</subsection>
<image pic="AnimButtonsParticleEffect.tga"></image>

Particles are halos (or Objects if the option "DupliVerts" is ON) that
are generated more or less according to laws of physics. Use Particles
for smoke, fire, explosions, a fountain, fireworks or a school of
fish! With the Static option it is also possible to make fur or even
A Particle system is pre-calculated as a pre-process (this can take
some time). They can then be viewed in the 3DWindow in real time.
Particles are a full-fledged part of Blender's animation system. They
can also controlled by Lattices.  Only Meshes can have

<point>Recalc All (But)</point>
Recalc the particle-system after changing the animation of the emitter
mesh. This updates the particle-system.

<point>Static (TogBut)</point>
Making static particles. Particles now don't animate or move anymore,
they follow the Object's transformation. Static particles are
generated one at each 'frame' for the entire 'Life' value. Use the 
"step" option to control this; step=2 means a particle at every two frames.

<image pic="AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow1.tga"></image>

<point>Tot (NumBut)</point>
The total number of Particles. Particles require quite a bit of memory (not in the file!) and rendering time, so specify this value carefully.
<point>Sta, End (NumBut)</point>
The start and end frame between which Particles are generated.
<point>Life (NumBut)</point>
The life span of each Particle.
<point>Keys (NumBut)</point>
Not all Particle locations are calculated and remembered for each frame for the entire particle system. This is only done for a fixed number of  <i>key</i> positions between which interpolations are performed. A larger number of "Keys" gives a more fluid, detailed movement. This makes significant demands on the memory and time required to calculate the system.

<image pic="AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow2.tga"></image>
<point>CurMul (NumBut)</point>
Particles can 'multiply themselves' at the end of their lives. For each generation, certain particle settings are unique. This button determines which generation is displayed.
<point>Mat (NumBut)</point>
The Material used for the current generation of Particles.
<point>Mult (NumBut)</point>
This determiness whether the particles multiply themselves. A value of 0.0 switches this off. A value of 1.0 means that each Particle multiplies itself. 
The particle system itself ensures that the <i>total</i> number of Particles is limited to the "Tot" value. 
<point>Life (NumBut)</point>
The age of the Particles in the following generation.
<point>Child (NumBut)</point>
The number of children of a Particle that has multiplied itself.

<image pic="AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow3.tga"></image>

<point>RandLife (NumBut)</point>
A factor that ascribes the age of Particles a (pseudo) random variation.
<point>Seed (NumBut)</point>
The offset in the random table. 

<point>Face (TogBut)</point>
With this option particles are not only emited from vertices, but also
from the faces of the mesh.

<point>Bspline (TogBut)</point>
The Particles are interpolated from the <i>keys</i> using a B-spline formula. This give a much more fluid  progression, but the particles no longer pass exactly through the <i>key</i> positions.
<point>Vect (TogBut)</point>
This gives particles a rotation direction. This can be seen in the Halo rendering. Particles that duplicate Objects now also give a rotation to these Objects.
VectSize (TogBut)</point>
The extent to which the speed of the "Vect" Particle works on the dimensions of the Halo.

<image pic="AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow4.tga"></image>

<point>Norm (NumBut)</point>
The extent to which the vertex normal of the Mesh gives the Particle a starting speed. If the Mesh has no faces (and thus no vertex normals) the normalised <i>local</i> vertex coordinate is used as the starting speed.
<point>Ob (NumBut)</point>
The Extent to which the speed of the Object gives the Particle a starting speed. This makes a rotating cube become a sort of  'sprinkler'.
<point>Rand (NumBut)</point>
The extent to which a (pseudo) random value gives the Particle a starting speed.
<point>Tex (NumBut)</point>
The extent to which the Texture gives the Particle a starting speed. For this, only the last Texture of the Material is used, in <i>channel</i> number 8.
<point>Damp (NumBut)</point>
Use of damping reduces the speed, like a sort of friction.

<image pic="AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow5.tga"></image>

<point>Force X, Y, Z (NumBut)</point>
A standard, continually present force. This can simulate the effect of gravity or wind.

<point>Texture X, Y, Z (NumBut)</point>
A standard force that works on a Particle, determined by the texture. 

Textures can have an effect on the movement of Particles. The 3D coordinate of the Particle is passed to the texture per Particle <i>key</i>. 
<point>Int (RowBut)</point>
The Intensity that is passed back from the texture is used as a factor for the standard texture force (previous three buttons).
<point>RGB (RowBut)</point>
The colour of the texture has a direct effect on the speed of the Particle: Red on the X, Green on the Y and Blue on the Z component of the speed.
<point>Grad (RowBut)</point>
The <i>gradient</i> of the texture is calculated. This is the mathematical derivitive. Four samples of the texture are combined to produce a speed vector. With <i>procedural</i> textures, such as Clouds, this method gives a very beautiful, turbulent effect. Set the number of "Keys" as high as possible to see the sometimes rather subtle twisting.
<point>Nabla (NumBut)</point>
The dimension of the area in which the <i>gradient</i> is calculated. This value must be carefully adjusted to the frequency of the texture.

<subsection>Anim Effects: Wave</subsection>
<image pic="AnimButtonsWaveEffect.tga"></image>

The Wave Effect adds a animated Wave to a Mesh. It is not limited to
    flat objects but can also be used to make a sphere 'wobble'.

The Wave Effect can be accessed from the AnimButtons <key F7> while the
      mesh is active. Choose 'NEW Effect' and change it with the
      MenuButton to 'Wave'.

<point>Wave Type (But)</point>
<image pic="AnimButtonsWaveEffectType.tga"></image>
Per default you have then a XY Wave on your Object. With the Buttons X 
      and Y you can enable or disable the wave generation for an axis, 
      look at the image below for the three basic effects. The Button
      "Cycl" makes the generation cyclic in the animation.

<image pic="AnimButtonsWaveEffectTime.tga"></image>
<point>Time Sta (NumBut)</point>
When (in frames of the animation) the wave generation should start.

<point>Lifetime (NumBut)</point>
How long (in frames) a wave exists

<point>Damptime (NumBut)</point>
How many frames the wave schould extenuate.

<image pic="AnimButtonsWaveEffectStart.tga"></image>
<point>Sta X, Sta Y (NumBut)</point>
Starting Position of the Wave

<image pic="AnimButtonsWaveEffectWaveform.tga"></image>
<point>Speed (NumSli)</point>
Speed the Wave travels, can also be negative.

<point>Height (NumSli)</point>
Amplitude of the Wave.

<point>Width (NumSli)</point>
Width of the wave (wavelenght)

<point>Narrow (NumSli)</point>
How narrow the next wave follows.

<!-- Created: Sat Aug  5 03:48:19 CEST 2000 -->
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Last modified: Tue Oct 24 17:18:01 CEST 2000
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<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#333399" alink="#9999ff" vlink="#000066">
<a href="AnimButtons.wml" type="text/plain">[WML-Source: AnimButtons.wml]</a><a href="TOC2.html">[TOC]</a><a href="Part00.html">[Part00]</a>
<h1><font size="-1">[chapter]</font></h1>
<h2><font size="-1">[section]</font>The AnimButtons</h2>
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtons.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtons.jpg" alt="" width="862" height="218"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtons.tga">[images/AnimButtons.tga]</a>
This ButtonsWindow visualises settings associated with animations,
most of which are part of the Object DataBlock. It can also be used
to create Effects: like the 'Build'- and the 'Particles'-Effect.
Hotkey: F7.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsBrowse.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsBrowse.jpg" alt="" width="143" height="21"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsBrowse.tga">[images/AnimButtonsBrowse.tga]</a>
The typical 'browse' MenuBut is missing here. Link Objects to other Scenes with the LinkMenu (CTRL+L).
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>OB: (TextBut)</h4>
Give the Object block a new and unique name. The Object is inserted again, sorted alphabetically.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Users (But)</h4>
If the Object block has multiple users, this button shows the total number of users. Press the button to make the Object "Single User". An exact copy is then created (exlusive the Object block).
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Tracking buttons</h4>
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsTracking.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsTracking.jpg" alt="" width="254" height="19"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsTracking.tga">[images/AnimButtonsTracking.tga]</a>
In Blender, Objects can be assigned a rotation <i>constraint</i>:
<li> Objects that always point in the direction of other Objects: CTRL+T, or "Make Track".
<li> Objects as Children of a Curve path, where the curve determines the rotation ("Follow" button).
<li> Particles can give rotations to Objects (see AnimButtons, Effects).
Because Objects have a rotation of their own, it is advisable to first erase this using ALT+R. If the Object is a Child, then erase the "Parent Inverse" as well using ALT+P.
Use these buttons to indicate how <i>tracking</i> must work:
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>TrackX, Y, Z, -X, -Y, -Z (RowBut)</h4>
Specifies the direction axis; the axis that, for example, must point to the other Object.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>UpX, UpY, UpZ (RowBut)</h4>
Specify what axis must point 'up', in the direction of the (global) positive Z axis. If the "Track" axis is the same as the "Up" axis, this is turned off.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>PowerTrack (TogBut)</h4>
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsPowertrack.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsPowertrack.jpg" alt="" width="93" height="20"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsPowertrack.tga">[images/AnimButtonsPowertrack.tga]</a>
This option completely switches off the Object's own rotation and that of its Parents. Only for Objects that 'track' to another Object.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>DrawKey (TogBut)</h4>
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsDrawKey.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsDrawKey.jpg" alt="" width="87" height="42"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsDrawKey.tga">[images/AnimButtonsDrawKey.tga]</a>
If Objects have an Object Ipo, they can be drawn in the 3Dwindow as <i>key</i> <i>positions</i>. Key positions are drawn with this option ON <i>and</i> the IpoKeys ON (in the IpoHeader). Hotkey: KKEY.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>DrawKeySel (TogBut)</h4>
Limits the drawing of <i>Object</i> <i>keys</i> to those selected.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Duplicators</h4>
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsDuplicators.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsDuplicators.jpg" alt="" width="394" height="42"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsDuplicators.tga">[images/AnimButtonsDuplicators.tga]</a>
Blender can automatically generate Objects without actually creating them. To do this, an animation system must be created first. A 'virtual' copy of the Object will then be placed on every frame specified. It is also possible to have a virtual copy placed on each <i>vertex</i> (or particle).
This can be used as a modeling tool as well. To do this, select the duplicated Objects and press CTRL-SHIFT+A ("Make Dupli's Real").
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>DupliFrames (TogBut)</h4>
No matter how the Object moves, with its own Object Ipos or on a Curve path, a copy of the Object is made for every frame from "DupSta" to "DupEnd". The "DupliFrames" system is built for the specified frame interval.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>DupliVerts (TogBut)</h4>
Child Objects are duplicated on all vertices of this Object (only with Mesh).
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>DupSta, DupEnd (NumBut)</h4>
The start and end frame of the duplication.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>DupOn, DupOff (NumBut)</h4>
Empty positions can be specified with the option "DupliFrames". For example: "DupOn" on '2', "DupOff" on '8' sets two copies on every 10 frames. The duplicated Objects move over the animation system like a sort of train.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>No Speed (TogBut)</h4>
The "DupliFrames" are set to 'still', regardless of the current frame.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Slurph (NumBut)</h4>
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsVertexKeys.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsVertexKeys.jpg" alt="" width="190" height="22"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsVertexKeys.tga">[images/AnimButtonsVertexKeys.tga]</a>
This option is only available if there are VertexKeys.
The "Slurph" value specifies a fixed delay for the interpolation of Keys <i>per</i> <i>vertex</i>. The first vertex comes first, the last vertex has a delay of "Slurph" frames. This effect makes quite special and realistic Key framing possible.
Watch the sequence of vertices carefully with Meshes. The sequence can be sorted with the commands EditButtons->Xsort and EditButons->Hash. Naturally, it is important that this occurs <i>before</i> the VertexKeys are created, because otherwise quite unpredictable things can occur (however, it can be nice for Halos).
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Relative Keys (TogBut)</h4>
This button toggles between using standard vertex keyframing and the
use of relative vertex keys. Relative vertex keys allowing mix, add or
subtract multiple vertex key positions independently. Best suited for
facial expression animations.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsOffsets.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsOffsets.jpg" alt="" width="282" height="68"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsOffsets.tga">[images/AnimButtonsOffsets.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>OffsOb (TogBut)</h4>
The "TimeOffset" value works on its own Object Ipo.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>OffsPar (TogBut)</h4>
The "TimeOffset" value works on the Parent relationship of the Object.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>OffsPart (TogBut)</h4>
The "TimeOffset" value works on the Particle Effect.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>SlowPar (TogBut)</h4>
The value of "TimeOffset" is used to create a 'delay' in the Parent relationship. This delay is cumulative and depends on the previous frame. When rendering animations, the complete sequence must always be rendered, starting with the first frame.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>TimeOffset (NumBut)</h4>
Depending on the previously mentioned pre-sets, the animation is shifted a number of frames. This does not work for VertexKeys.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Automatic Time (But)</h4>
This generates automatic "TimeOffset" values for all <i>selected</i> Objects. The start value is the value of the "TimeOffset" button. A requestor pops up and asks for the size of the interval. Blender looks at the Object's screen coordinates in the nearest 3DWindow and calculates the offset values from left to right.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>PrSpeed (But)</h4>
The speed of the Object is printed.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsMapAnim.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsMapAnim.jpg" alt="" width="189" height="74"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsMapAnim.tga">[images/AnimButtonsMapAnim.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Map Old, Map New (NumBut)</h4>
This button can be used to modify the internal time calculation. "Map Old" gives the previous value in frames; "Map New" specifies the number of frames that must be rendered. Only the mutual relations between these values are important.
Use this only to speed up or slow down the entire animation system. The absolute value 'frame' now becomes relative, which can be quite confusing if the animation must still be modified.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>AnimSpeed (NumBut)</h4>
The maximum speed of the real-time animation playback, expressed in hundredths of a second.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Sta, End (NumBut)</h4>
The start and end frame of an animation to be rendered or played real-time.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsCurve.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsCurve.jpg" alt="" width="400" height="20"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsCurve.tga">[images/AnimButtonsCurve.tga]</a>
These buttons are only displayed if the active Object is a Curve.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>PathLen (NumBut)</h4>
The length of the Curve path in frames, if there is no Speed Ipo.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>CurvePath (TogBut)</h4>
Specifies that the Curve becomes a <i>path</i>. Children of this Curve now move over the curve. All Curves can become a <i>path</i>, but a 5th order Nurbs curve works best. It has no problems with movement and rotation discontinuity.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>CurveFollow (TogBut)</h4>
The Curve path passes a rotation to the Child Objects. The 'Tracking' buttons determine which axis the path follows.
In EditMode, horizontal lines are also drawn for a 3D curve. This determines the <i>tilt</i>, which is an extra axis rotation of the Child Objects. The <i>tilt</i> can be changed using the TKEY.
Curve paths cannot give uniform perpendicular (aligned with the local Z axis) rotations. In that case, the 'up' axis cannot be determined.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>PrintLen (But)</h4>
The length of the path is printed in Blender units.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsIpo.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsIpo.jpg" alt="" width="247" height="132"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsIpo.tga">[images/AnimButtonsIpo.tga]</a>
These buttons are displayed if an IpoWindow is present in the same Screen.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax (NumBut)</h4>
The numbers above these buttons specify the boundbox of all the visible curves in the IpoWindow. Use the buttons to enter a new value.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Set (But)</h4>
The new values of the boundbox are assigned to the visible curves in the IpoWindow.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsSpeedSet.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsSpeedSet.jpg" alt="" width="251" height="31"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsSpeedSet.tga">[images/AnimButtonsSpeedSet.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Speed (NumBut)</h4>
In certain cases, the exact speed of a translation caused by Object Ipos must be determined. Proceed as follows to do this:
<li> In the IpoWindow, make only the LocX, LoxY, LocZ curves visible.
<li> Set the IpoKey option ON (KKEY in the IpoWindow).
<li> Select the keys that must be assigned a particular speed.
<li> Only keys that already have a speed and direction can be changed. If the speed is 0.0, nothing happens.
<li> Press the "Set" Button.
<h3><font size="-1">[subsection]</font>Anim Effects: Build</h3>
Three effects are currently built in: "Build", "Particles" and
"Wave". Effects are a fixed part of the Object; they cannot have any
links or multiple users.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsBuildEffect.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsBuildEffect.jpg" alt="" width="454" height="77"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsBuildEffect.tga">[images/AnimButtonsBuildEffect.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>New Effect (But)</h4>
Create a new Effect.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Delete (But)</h4>
Delete the Effect.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Build (MenuBut)</h4>
Select an effect.
The Build Effect works on Meshes, which are built up face by face over time. It also works on the vertices in Halo Meshes.
The sequence in which this happens can be specified in the 3DWindow with CTRL+F: "Sort Faces" (not in EditMode). The <i>faces</i> of the <i>active</i> Mesh Object are sorted. The current face in the 3DWindow is taken as the starting point. The leftmost <i>face</i> first, the rightmost <i>face</i> last.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Len (NumBut)</h4>
The total time the building requires.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>SFra (NumBut)</h4>
The frame number on which the Effect starts.
<h3><font size="-1">[subsection]</font>Anim Effects: Particles</h3>
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffect.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffect.jpg" alt="" width="455" height="30"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffect.tga">[images/AnimButtonsParticleEffect.tga]</a>
Particles are halos (or Objects if the option "DupliVerts" is ON) that
are generated more or less according to laws of physics. Use Particles
for smoke, fire, explosions, a fountain, fireworks or a school of
fish! With the Static option it is also possible to make fur or even
A Particle system is pre-calculated as a pre-process (this can take
some time). They can then be viewed in the 3DWindow in real time.
Particles are a full-fledged part of Blender's animation system. They
can also controlled by Lattices. Only Meshes can have
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Recalc All (But)</h4>
Recalc the particle-system after changing the animation of the emitter
mesh. This updates the particle-system.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Static (TogBut)</h4>
Making static particles. Particles now don't animate or move anymore,
they follow the Object's transformation. Static particles are
generated one at each 'frame' for the entire 'Life' value. Use the
"step" option to control this; step=2 means a particle at every two frames.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow1.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow1.jpg" alt="" width="455" height="21"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow1.tga">[images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow1.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Tot (NumBut)</h4>
The total number of Particles. Particles require quite a bit of memory (not in the file!) and rendering time, so specify this value carefully.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Sta, End (NumBut)</h4>
The start and end frame between which Particles are generated.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Life (NumBut)</h4>
The life span of each Particle.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Keys (NumBut)</h4>
Not all Particle locations are calculated and remembered for each frame for the entire particle system. This is only done for a fixed number of <i>key</i> positions between which interpolations are performed. A larger number of "Keys" gives a more fluid, detailed movement. This makes significant demands on the memory and time required to calculate the system.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow2.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow2.jpg" alt="" width="455" height="21"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow2.tga">[images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow2.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>CurMul (NumBut)</h4>
Particles can 'multiply themselves' at the end of their lives. For each generation, certain particle settings are unique. This button determines which generation is displayed.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Mat (NumBut)</h4>
The Material used for the current generation of Particles.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Mult (NumBut)</h4>
This determiness whether the particles multiply themselves. A value of 0.0 switches this off. A value of 1.0 means that each Particle multiplies itself.
The particle system itself ensures that the <i>total</i> number of Particles is limited to the "Tot" value.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Life (NumBut)</h4>
The age of the Particles in the following generation.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Child (NumBut)</h4>
The number of children of a Particle that has multiplied itself.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow3.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow3.jpg" alt="" width="454" height="21"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow3.tga">[images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow3.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>RandLife (NumBut)</h4>
A factor that ascribes the age of Particles a (pseudo) random variation.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Seed (NumBut)</h4>
The offset in the random table.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Face (TogBut)</h4>
With this option particles are not only emited from vertices, but also
from the faces of the mesh.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Bspline (TogBut)</h4>
The Particles are interpolated from the <i>keys</i> using a B-spline formula. This give a much more fluid progression, but the particles no longer pass exactly through the <i>key</i> positions.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Vect (TogBut)</h4>
This gives particles a rotation direction. This can be seen in the Halo rendering. Particles that duplicate Objects now also give a rotation to these Objects.
VectSize (TogBut)</point>
The extent to which the speed of the "Vect" Particle works on the dimensions of the Halo.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow4.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow4.jpg" alt="" width="455" height="21"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow4.tga">[images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow4.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Norm (NumBut)</h4>
The extent to which the vertex normal of the Mesh gives the Particle a starting speed. If the Mesh has no faces (and thus no vertex normals) the normalised <i>local</i> vertex coordinate is used as the starting speed.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Ob (NumBut)</h4>
The Extent to which the speed of the Object gives the Particle a starting speed. This makes a rotating cube become a sort of 'sprinkler'.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Rand (NumBut)</h4>
The extent to which a (pseudo) random value gives the Particle a starting speed.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Tex (NumBut)</h4>
The extent to which the Texture gives the Particle a starting speed. For this, only the last Texture of the Material is used, in <i>channel</i> number 8.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Damp (NumBut)</h4>
Use of damping reduces the speed, like a sort of friction.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow5.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow5.jpg" alt="" width="455" height="45"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow5.tga">[images/AnimButtonsParticleEffectRow5.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Force X, Y, Z (NumBut)</h4>
A standard, continually present force. This can simulate the effect of gravity or wind.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Texture X, Y, Z (NumBut)</h4>
A standard force that works on a Particle, determined by the texture.
Textures can have an effect on the movement of Particles. The 3D coordinate of the Particle is passed to the texture per Particle <i>key</i>.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Int (RowBut)</h4>
The Intensity that is passed back from the texture is used as a factor for the standard texture force (previous three buttons).
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>RGB (RowBut)</h4>
The colour of the texture has a direct effect on the speed of the Particle: Red on the X, Green on the Y and Blue on the Z component of the speed.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Grad (RowBut)</h4>
The <i>gradient</i> of the texture is calculated. This is the mathematical derivitive. Four samples of the texture are combined to produce a speed vector. With <i>procedural</i> textures, such as Clouds, this method gives a very beautiful, turbulent effect. Set the number of "Keys" as high as possible to see the sometimes rather subtle twisting.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Nabla (NumBut)</h4>
The dimension of the area in which the <i>gradient</i> is calculated. This value must be carefully adjusted to the frequency of the texture.
<h3><font size="-1">[subsection]</font>Anim Effects: Wave</h3>
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffect.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffect.jpg" alt="" width="455" height="29"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffect.tga">[images/AnimButtonsWaveEffect.tga]</a>
The Wave Effect adds a animated Wave to a Mesh. It is not limited to
    flat objects but can also be used to make a sphere 'wobble'.
The Wave Effect can be accessed from the AnimButtons <b>F7</b>
 while the
      mesh is active. Choose 'NEW Effect' and change it with the
      MenuButton to 'Wave'.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Wave Type (But)</h4>
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectType.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectType.jpg" alt="" width="222" height="26"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectType.tga">[images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectType.tga]</a>
Per default you have then a XY Wave on your Object. With the Buttons X
      and Y you can enable or disable the wave generation for an axis,
      look at the image below for the three basic effects. The Button
      "Cycl" makes the generation cyclic in the animation.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectTime.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectTime.jpg" alt="" width="221" height="61"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectTime.tga">[images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectTime.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Time Sta (NumBut)</h4>
When (in frames of the animation) the wave generation should start.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Lifetime (NumBut)</h4>
How long (in frames) a wave exists
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Damptime (NumBut)</h4>
How many frames the wave schould extenuate.
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectStart.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectStart.jpg" alt="" width="222" height="25"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectStart.tga">[images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectStart.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Sta X, Sta Y (NumBut)</h4>
Starting Position of the Wave
<table border="1">
<a href="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectWaveform.tga"><img src="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectWaveform.jpg" alt="" width="219" height="81"></a>
<b></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectWaveform.tga">[images/AnimButtonsWaveEffectWaveform.tga]</a>
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Speed (NumSli)</h4>
Speed the Wave travels, can also be negative.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Height (NumSli)</h4>
Amplitude of the Wave.
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Width (NumSli)</h4>
Width of the wave (wavelenght)
<h4><font size="-1">[point]</font>Narrow (NumSli)</h4>
How narrow the next wave follows.
    <a href="mailto:carsten@blender.nl">-cw-</a>
<!-- Created: Sat Aug 5 03:48:19 CEST 2000 -->
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Last modified: Tue Oct 24 17:18:01 CEST 2000
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