[Verse-dev] Verse & GLGE

David Given dg at cowlark.com
Fri May 27 21:17:56 CEST 2011

On 27/05/11 18:41, Toni Alatalo wrote:
> We have a websocket client that uses exactly GLGE for rendering,
> so-called WebNaali in the realXtend project .. it can connect to a
> Tundra server and sync scene with that. 

Last I heard websockets were being radically rethought due to hideous
security flaws; are they still viable as a fast message-passing system
for web apps with server push? (I really don't fancy trying to do a
network-intensive game use XMLHttpRequest...)

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "I have a mind like a steel trap. It's rusty and full of dead mice."
│ --- Anonymous, on rasfc

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