[Verse-dev] Verse & GLGE

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Fri May 27 19:41:46 CEST 2011

On Fri, 2011-05-27 at 18:16 +0200, Jethro Volders wrote:
> I'm just dreaming outloud here but could the Verse tools be used to develop games that run with WebGL...? GEGL uses XLM if I'm correct, so sounds like it should work our is this just my fantasy.

UDP is not available for Javascript in web browsers, but you get TCP
with websockets so can run Verse on top of that somehow.

We have a websocket client that uses exactly GLGE for rendering,
so-called WebNaali in the realXtend project .. it can connect to a
Tundra server and sync scene with that. 

Is on a high level similar to Verse, you could similarily write a simple
Verse node (client) that is a websocket server (it is some httpish(?)
stuff on top of raw tcp, some sort of a protocol with a handshake or
something), and a websocket client counterpart for that to run in

> I'm an artist no programmer :( so if possible I won't be the one that will accomplish this, but i sure hope some one will.
> i just love working with the verse tool

Cool, how are you using it, what would you want in the browser impl?

I think the usage also would direct a bit what things of the protocol
and support in general you'd want first in the websocket + webgl impl ..
webverse :p (we use same naming logic with naali, the websocket + webgl
webnaali is similar to the c++ & udp using native naali client).
Basically requires reimplementing the verse c stack in js, something
like syncing scene object posses is simply and i guess you'd want
geometry etc..

> J.


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