[Verse-dev] Verse OpenGL ES client

David Given dg at cowlark.com
Sun Nov 21 13:22:52 CET 2010

On 21/11/10 00:33, eskil at obsession.se wrote:
> Send me a screen shot.

Here's a short video:


If I crank the complexity up and restart QS, the spheres usually appear
as spheres. The cafe interior only sometimes appears. Toggling HDR
occasionally makes it show up, which is why I do that several times. It
smells a bit like it's not receiving nodes from the server? But this
*is* all on the SVN version, which isn't the latest.

I've tried building the verse_apps version (again for Linux, it's my
primary development platform), but I've run into some undefined symbols:

.pm-cache/8-qs_main.o: In function `qs_intro_handler':
qs_main.c:(.text+0x221): undefined reference to `sui_text_line_length'
qs_main.c:(.text+0x331): undefined reference to `sui_text_line_length'
.pm-cache/8-qs_main.o: In function `qs_context_update':
qs_main.c:(.text+0xe0): undefined reference to `sui_text_screen_mode_update'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I managed to hack around this, but Quel Solaar hangs on startup in
v_prime_set_random(). It appears to be never finding a prime number ---
the Miller-Rabin test always fails. I don't know why; v_prime.c,
v_bignum.c, v_randgen.c appear to be largely unchanged from the SVN

> There are some things though that should be very easy to add extended
> support for, like the ability to modify the view frustum, or camera angle
> then you can do cave stuff, stereoscopic, multi displays and much like
> that. Other things like support for specific buttons like forward and
> backward and things like that should be easy to support for almost all
> apps.

IIRC our platform supplies games with: pointer events, multitouch
events, trackball events, joystick events, game dpad events, keyboard
events, TV remote control events, phone keypad events, 'special key'
events (things like the back button on Android)... we haven't found any
way of abstracting over input controls in a useful manner so we just
pass the raw data to the game, which has to detect at runtime what input
schemes are available and cope. Some games simply won't run on some
platforms just because the controls aren't available, even if the actual
game code works fine. It's a mess.

Any plans for accelerometer?

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "There does not now, nor will there ever, exist a programming
│ language in which it is the least bit hard to write bad programs." ---
│ Flon's Axiom

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