[Verse-dev] Verse OpenGL ES client

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Sun Nov 21 00:22:06 CET 2010


> Failing that, any ideas as to what a Verse client would be like to port?
> A quick glance at the persuade shows that it's fairly GLES-friendly,

Persuade should be very easy to port to ES. if you need help let me know.

The latest version is the one at
http://www.quelsolaar.com/files/verse_apps.zip . Any just yesturday i
released the begining of a new zip file (at
http://www.quelsolaar.com/quel_solaar.zip) that will contain updated
versions of all my code. So far i have only released FORGE, my replacement
for the st files of the past. Over the next coming weeks i will move over
everything to the new zip file but i want to make sure that everything is
properly ported over before doing so. Persuade is one lib that is not
likely to change in any significant way and there is no later version on
my hard drive.

The main reason for this update is:

1. Consolidate all code so that there is one place with everything.

2. Do a major expansion of Betray to be able to support more platform
dependent things, like sterioscopics, sound, head tracking, multi touch,
controllers and much more (and port everything over to the new betray)

3. Add tools and utilities not directly tied to verse, like my performance
messieurs lib, and animation tool.

4. Update all applications to use the latest versions of all libs, like
making Loq use the new language translation system in Seduce that i use
for Love.

5. Document all libraries in text-files accompanying the libs in the Zip,
and also create a more serious developer section on QuelSolaar.com



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