[Verse-dev] Verse Website

Tristam MacDonald swiftcoder at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 14:42:43 CET 2009

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 6:19 AM, <jethrovolders at hotmail.com> wrote:

> hey Martin, nice to see you got started!
> i was also planning on doing a site, but i guess I'll help you out as far
> as
> you can use my help.
> 1 Idea I had for it was to use "Seduce" (Verse Apps UI layout) as a
> starting
> point for the sites overall layout...
> A bit like CoOn, i do love starting with that white working space.
> I was thinking if like CoOn a site would have enough with the 3 "stages"
> (the "menu", the working space, the node editing)
> anyway, it would be incredibly awesome if we had a site running on verse
> looking like its apps...
> so that figuring out how to navigate the site would automatically make you
> familiar with the use of verse apps.

Be careful with the concept that Eskil's UI design == verse. While I do
think he has some wonderful ideas related to UI design, I don't think that
Loq Airou and CoOn are nearly as user-friendly as he intends ;)

Tristam MacDonald
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