[Verse-dev] Verse Website

Albino Rodrigues bino at fallenfeathersoftware.com.au
Sat Nov 21 14:03:54 CET 2009

Nice to see a community starting for Verse :)

I'm still new to the technology. I believe it has A LOT of potential.

I hang out on #verse as Borealis

Nice stuff with the website!


Martin Evans wrote:
> Since there is no actively maintained central site for verse any more, 
> and no central meeting point for verse developers beyond this letter, 
> I have registered verse-protocol.appspot.com 
> <http://verse-protocol.appspot.com>. I'm currently writing the site, 
> so I apologise for extreme ugliness, I'm going to get a forum deployed 
> there as soon as possible.
> If anyone wants to help with the project (html/CSS/javascript 
> experience would be particularly nice) please email me:
> martindevans at gmail.com <mailto:martindevans at gmail.com>
> I hope to see you all there once the site is up and running :)

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