[Verse-dev] Fwd: VerseSharp?

Nathan Letwory jesterking at letwory.net
Fri Jul 10 23:08:11 CEST 2009

Toni Alatalo wrote:
> John said it would be good to forward this on, so here goes. 
>> From: "Hurliman, John" <john.hurliman at intel.com>
>> in at <http://versesharp.googlecode.com/>. It's a very early commit 

I just wanted to let you all know that I started implementing commands. 
It's great that John managed to get the handshake part implemented (I 
banged my head to the wall with that for a long time). Some simple 
object commands have been done now, and I'm progressing as we speak.

I won't make any promises as when it will be ready, since there's so 
much to do, and I already have a mile long TODO list to go through.

Anyway, the VerseServer that currently is in the repository is more like 
a test client, and I'll move it to be that at some point. I think we 
best work forst on the protocol commands to have it implemented for a 
working client, then we can progress to having a VerseServer in C#.

Yay for Verse :)



Nathan Letwory

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