[Verse-dev] Fwd: VerseSharp?

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Tue Jul 7 20:54:47 CEST 2009

John said it would be good to forward this on, so here goes.

note this part: "I also have a project called ModVerse, a region module 
for OpenSim that can be combined with ModRex (the realXtend module that 
adds mesh support to OpenSim) to get real-time mesh editing between 
Blender and OpenSim"

i wonder how the meshes get synched to the rexviewer (which doesn't 
have verse support) though, the asset is replaced and the new ogre mesh 

a general observation about verse as a quote from him:  "verse is a 
perfectly reasonable protocol from what i have seen. the initial login 
sequence is a tiny bit silly, but the actual state melding part seems 
like the right thing to do. and real-time editing support between maya, 
blender, and virtual worlds is definitely a big deal"

21:38 <antont> right-o

interested in seeing how this ends up,

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Hurliman, John" <john.hurliman at intel.com>
> Date: July 7, 2009 9:28:59 PM EEST
> To: Toni Alatalo <toni at playsign.net>
> Cc: "jesterking at letwory.net" <jesterking at letwory.net>
> Subject: RE: VerseSharp?
> Thank you for reminding me about this. I just checked my current code 
> in at <http://versesharp.googlecode.com/>. It's a very early commit 
> with no project or solution files at the moment. It includes 
> VerseSharp.dll, and a simple wrapper called VerseServer.exe. I also 
> have a project called ModVerse, a region module for OpenSim that can 
> be combined with ModRex (the realXtend module that adds mesh support 
> to OpenSim) to get real-time mesh editing between Blender and OpenSim. 
> I'll check ModVerse in soon.
> John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Toni Alatalo [mailto:toni at playsign.net]
>> Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 12:24 PM
>> To: Hurliman, John
>> Cc: jesterking at letwory.net
>> Subject: VerseSharp?
>> Hi,
>> sending an email with a copy to Nathan Letwory aka. Jesterking, who
>> was working on verse.net earlier.
>> cheers,
>> ~Toni

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