[Verse-dev] JVerse - Cibyl, how to get started

Stuart Axon stuaxo2 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 28 15:48:34 CEST 2008

Nothing back from nathan yet, but got some info back from SImon Kagstrom of Cibyl - which I'll relay here along with some tips in case it's helpful to someone who could get started quicker than I (I'm kind of busy coding some freelance stuff at the mo).

Getting Cibyl working -
I only managed to get it working in linux, you need to follow the instructions on the site and download the correct crosscompiler stuff for mips - this is a bit of a pain as I downloaded the wrong one the first time. - Also, I run mine in vmware as I don't have a bootable linux at the mo (just using the bagside hardy heron image)
Simon Kagstorm: 
"There is a trivial example in
examples/host-java/using-cibyl-to-export-libraries which you can look
at. This shows how to export functions from a C library to Java, and
implements a "proxy" Java class with a "normal" Java interface.

The first "problem" is perhaps to compile verse itself with the MIPS
compiler and against the Cibyl libraries, then exporting the

When I get time, I'll see if I can get it starting to compile.. if I get to that stage, then can look at hosting the code somewhere, it just might be a while as I'm pretty slow with getting code done for personal projects, but a lot faster at the research part... hence I'll try and post my findings for interested parties and things might move a bit quicker if I can start the ball rolling :)

----- Original Message ----
From: Jiří Hnídek <jiri.hnidek at tul.cz>
To: verse-dev at blender.org
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 8:52:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Verse-dev] JVerse - noodleglue

nice to hear about someone else trying to implement verse in other  
programming language. Try to contact Nathan Letwory. He tries to  
implement verse in C#. I'm sure, he can give you some advices about  
implementing verse in other languages. I Have no experience with Java,  
but I guess, that implementing all verse spec in java (and other  
programming language) could be time consuming. Cibyl looks like  
interesting project. It could give you working result in short time.


On 25.9.2008, at 20:35, Stuart Axon wrote:

> I've been in touch with koders.com and their going to look into  
> retrieving noodleglue from their database, this could provide a way  
> to generate the bindings to verse for java
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Stuart Axon <stuaxo2 at yahoo.com>
> To: verse-dev at blender.org
> Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 5:00:09 PM
> Subject: [Verse-dev] Generate native java verse from C code with  
> Cybl ?
> http://spel.bth.se/index.php/Cibyl
> Cybl is an interesting possibility, it compiles C into java  
> bytecode... I'm not sure how many changes need to be made to make it  
> work.
> When I was trying this out, I could only get it working in linux, I  
> did get it working in ubuntu in vmware though (I use the bagside  
> vmware image of Hardy Heron).
> If we had a native java version of the verse library it would be  
> more powerful than java bindings on the C code, we could use it in  
> environments like j2me, where there is no possibility of using  
> native C code.
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