[Verse-dev] Verse in Cairo?

Stuart Axon stuaxo2 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 7 01:19:47 CEST 2008

Ah interesting... I'm just getting up to speed with all this.  Are there any plans to add any high level representations to verse?

WRT the creased subdivision surfaces used, what happens when you zoom into one of these, does it keep subdividing (so your curve remains smooth) or is it only subdivided a certain amount, so you get something like straight lines when you zoom in ?

(In other words what sort of artifacts could happen when converting between beziers and subdivisional surfaces?)

From my point of view I'm interested in the more general case of using verse to send cairo between cairo applications (but also sometimes to blender).  In particular generating shapes in something like context free and sending them to blender.

Verse seems very appealing as I want to build an app using several networked instances of blender to do the work of display and also run python scripting - another part being to get the data from the other applications into blender.  On first glance it looks like it would make most sense to use verse to do this as it already exists and can do app <=> blender.

It might be a case of experimenting with adding highlevel abstractions to verse to make this work.   (I imagine that beziers might be one that could be useful, esp when two blenders are linked and editing using curves)

Still, I'm really slow at getting stuff done for side projects + seem to have got involved in a few recently, so could take a little while, but it certainly looks like it'll be interesting once I blender-verse building.

----- Original Message ----
From: Emil Brink <emil at obsession.se>
To: verse-dev at blender.org
Sent: Monday, October 6, 2008 11:51:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Verse-dev] Verse in Cairo?

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 12:41 PM, Stuart Axon <stuaxo2 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> It would be feasable - as a port of the opengl backend..  The output would be converted to triangles in the same way though.
> The range of applications is a lot less than if verse could do curved edges.  Although if curved edges were added to verse then
> then it would be trivial to add it to some pre-existing cairo backend.   Without curves it is less useful - more for display usage
> than say editing, or output to svg or print.

Verse's geometry primitive is creased subdivision surfaces. They
express "curves", i.e. smooth surfaces, just fine. They just
don't do it with Beziérs.

Look at the human head behind the logo on verse.blender.org. That is a
subdivided mesh, it is *not* triangles "all the way down".

Blender supports subdivs too, but I can't say how much of Blender's
subdiv support (creasing, etc) is supported through Verse
now (it's been too long). Perhaps Jiri is around to answer that?

The problem then, I guess, becomes "is it possible to go from whatever
representation you want to edit fonts in, to Verse's
subdivision surfaces for publishing to Verse, and back again in a
loss-less non-ambigous manner?". Unfortunately, I don't
know the answer to that question. :)


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