[Verse-dev] New Quel Solaar updates

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Thu Mar 6 23:05:40 CET 2008


I just got home from the GDC where i did some demos of the game "Love"
(www.quelsolaar.com) that I'm working on. I got some great press on it
http://www.massively.com/2008/02/26/gdc08-when-love-came-to-town/), and
more is coming. Obviously I'm using an all verse pipeline to build the
game so, i have done quite a lot of demoing (to great effect) of the verse
tools. However there have been some bugs and issues that have been bugging
me for some time, so when i got home i decided to take a day to fix some
bugs, a day turned in to a few and some major surgery.

Here is what I have fixed:

-The popup menu have been broken for quite sometime resulting in the face
popup in Loq looking all wrong. This has now been fixed.
-The geometry select popup in Loq was buggy and just terrible to use. This
have been rebuilt from scratch and now you have proper list of the
geometry nodes on the server with spinning thumbnail preview. (you can
turn it in to text in the settings menu if you want to)
-Speaking of settings, there has been a bug in the settings system that
corrupted setting files that have now been fixed.
-A major memory corruption bug in Loq has been fixed, It has probably been
responsible for most of the instability in Loq.
-The text system has been completely re written, The main feature being,
well just look at it. Also you can now in all text fields do proper
-Loq, CoOn and QS have all been ported to the new code. I haven't tested
the smaller apps yet.

-These fixes all work with the SDL builds, but i don't know about the
other betray ports. I don't have much asses to machines to be able to test
it here.

You can down load the code from www.quelsolaar.com/files/verse_apps.zip



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