[Verse-dev] Unique ID from server? (repost)

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Sun Feb 24 22:39:22 CET 2008


As Jiri says, this is something he's working on refining, in Verse.

With the present code, I guess you could enhance your clients with a
client-specific tag, such as "id", which you can set to a string
holding <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globally_Unique_Identifier">GUID</a>
or some other unique ID.

You could then use a second tag ("owner", "locked_by") to hold the
GUID of the client that is currently accessing the node.

Please note though that these will of course all be client-side
extensions of the Verse data model, and will require clients to "know"
the rules in order to work. The server-side extensions/enhancements
Jiri is working on will be more general.



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