[Verse-dev] "Betray" on X11

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Fri Jan 5 08:46:35 CET 2007

Wouter van Heyst wrote:
[new back-end]
> Out of curiousity, what problems are you having with SDL?

I think Eskil covered those pretty well. Not being able to resize the
application window was what broke the camel's back, as I recall.

> It seems to work if I understand things, running make in quelsolaar/ and
> running loq gives me visuals, even though I get lots of scary shader
> warnings :)

You do? Perhaps you have a too-old GPU then ... The output from the
shading language compilation is a bit too verbose, in my opinion, but
I guess it's sometimes useful to have the generated code visible too.

Thanks for your feedback, and for testing the X11 back-end. You can verify
that it builds properly by doing a "ldd" on the binaries; if you don't see
a lot of dependencies, including SDL, it is using X11.



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