[Verse-dev] "Betray" on X11

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org
Thu Jan 4 17:01:15 CET 2007

On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 03:17:26PM +0100, Emil Brink wrote:
> Hello.
> This is just a brief note that I've committed a native X11 back-end for
> Eskil's "Betray" library today. This means that on Linux (and, I guess,
> on Mac OS X and any other platform where X11 is available, too), his suite
> of apps can run with even fewer external dependencies, now.
> For this reason, X11 is now the default back-end on Linux.
> It can seem a bit silly to have another native back-end, and not just go
> ahead and use SDL on all platforms, but we've been having problems with
> SDL (which is why Eskil wrote b_win32.c, the Win32 native back-end). So,
> I didn't want Linux/X11 users to be left without. :)

Out of curiousity, what problems are you having with SDL?

> Anyway, it's not a huge amount of code, for any of the back-ends:
> $ wc --lines b_sdl.c b_glut.c b_glfw.c b_win32.c b_x11.c
>   270 b_sdl.c
>   218 b_glut.c
>   189 b_glfw.c
>   318 b_win32.c
>   273 b_x11.c
>  1268 total
> As can be seen, the X11 back-end is about the same size as the SDL one,
> and quite a few lines shorter than the Win32 one. I'm not 100% sure that
> these comparisons are fair, there might be things I've missed in the X11
> back-end ... But the apps do run on X11.

It seems to work if I understand things, running make in quelsolaar/ and
running loq gives me visuals, even though I get lots of scary shader
warnings :)

Wouter van Heyst
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