[Verse-dev] "Betray" on X11

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org
Fri Jan 5 01:16:26 CET 2007

On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 09:23:08PM +0100, eskil at obsession.se wrote:
> Hi
> >Out of curiousity, what problems are you having with SDL?
> Its a very silly one. There is a event in SDL you get every time the  
> window size changes. When ever you get that you are required to  
> restart the video system. This means that you will loose your GL  
> context. If you loose you GL context you need to re upload all  
> textures and geometry to the graphics card, and recompile and relink  
> all shaders. This is supported by my apps but is quite time consuming,  
> and the objects in the view take a while to rebuild.

Ah, I'm aware of this behaviour, though I think it doesn't happen on
Linux. I'll contact the SDL people about this, it's time to fix it (even
if verse isn't going to use it anymore).

> This is very annoying especially since if you don't restart the  
> display it works anyway! With one exception: you now longer read mouse  
> inputs in the entire window but only on the part of the window that's  
> the size of the old window size. So you need to reset the entire  
> graphics system just to reset a few values in SDL that has got nothing  
> to do with graphics at all! This pissed me off... Also there is always  
> a problem with dependencies. some people hide DLLs and that makes it  
> hard to do things like copy a EXE form one place to an other. As I'm  
> sure you all appreciate how good Blender is when it comes to this. My  
> apps do produce quite a few files, but none of them should be required  
> to run the apps.

If I understood this right, wouldn't static linking take care of that

Wouter van Heyst
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