AW: [Verse-dev] CORBA, TAO, MICO

Clemens Tan clemenstan at
Fri Apr 27 18:07:43 CEST 2007

Thanks for the detailed answer. Verse seams to me the better choice. Took me
weeks to understand CORBA and to get a simple Notification / Subscriber
mechanism to work (and still not working probably)



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: verse-dev-bounces at
[mailto:verse-dev-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Toni Alatalo
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. April 2007 23:57
An: verse-dev at
Betreff: Re: [Verse-dev] CORBA, TAO, MICO

On 26.4.2007, at 23:42, Clemens Tan wrote:

> I am working right now at my thesis about distributed virtual 
> environments.

oh. what kind of an angle do you have to it, some certain issues / dev 

> Does anyone has some experience with CORBA and the 
> CORBA-implementations TAO
> and MICO? I would really like to use verse instead, but I am not sure, 
> how

i dont but some collegues at work do.

afaik it is basically a way to define interfaces for doing .. component 
based programming, with (remote) interfaces and/or typed data transfer. 
perhaps a bit similar to what SOAP is now used for? (but more efficient 
and heavy)

in a way i'd guess CORBA is orthogonal to Verse, as in Verse defines 
data types like the ones mentioned on this list in the other posts ;) 
for 3d and 2d graphics data, geometry and images and location info and 
such, whereas CORBA is a way define protocols / interfaces? perhaps you 
could even specify Verse with CORBA's IDL and use CORBA tools to 
communicate Verse data? but as CORBA is also about distributing and 
remote objects i think there are probably overlaps and that may well 
not be a sensible fit, dunno. but in any case CORBA does not define 
data types for virtual worlds, dunno if any such systems using CORBA 
exist (i believe they well can exist, but dunno if they are that 
interesting .. would not mind being educated about that).

> hard / easy it is to extend the api and code a server. How much time 
> does it
> take to make a customized server and to get into the source code of 
> the api?
> CORBA seams to me currently like a dinosaur with two broken legs, but 
> it is
> / was(?) a pretty well specified standard. So, which way to go?

i'd say just give Verse a shot, it is easy to set up a server and test 
existing applications, and if it seems cool to you, test extending / 
applying it. what would you need to code a server for? you can already 
do much with the existing server(s), by writing *services* using it .. 
e.g. some thing that creates and manipulates a virtual world?

but writing a server is straightforward too, with or without using 
existing code .. at least on the client side you basically write 
callbacks to handle information about (changed) data coming from the 
server, i guess the server is then about managing the data and sending 
the data to the clients registered for callbacks.

for extending the api, at least for additional data there is the tag 
system you can use.

> Clemens


BTW another project that has addressed similar things is the Virtual 
Object System (VOS) from
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