[Verse-dev] Problems with the Quelsolaar tools

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Thu Nov 2 13:36:15 CET 2006

Peter Lundén wrote:
> I have run the code in a debugger: it exits in betray_init at
> b_sdl_init_display. So something is wrong about SDL. Im running
> Ubuntu my SDL version is 1.2.9 (guess its a debian distribution)


You're running this on your laptop?

Eskil's code is written to require 24 bits of depth buffer.

Maybe your graphics card is unable to provide that deep a depth buffer,
and is therefore failing to set the graphics mode.

Try changing this line, in the b_sdl_system_wrapper_set_display() function:

 >	SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24);

To something else. My suggestion would be 16, since that's a more standard
depth buffer precision.

I hope that helps ... Please let us know if it does.



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