[Verse-dev] Yet Another Bug in Verse

Jiří Hnídek jiri.hnidek at tul.cz
Mon Jul 31 11:48:49 CEST 2006

OK, once again, first verse-blender had sent and received this:

send: verse_send_g_vertex_delete_real32(node_id = 2 vertex_id = 8 );
send: verse_send_g_vertex_set_xyz_real32(node_id = 2 layer_id = 0
vertex_id = 4294967295 x = 1.000000 y = 1.000000 z = -1.000000 );
receive: verse_send_g_vertex_set_xyz_real32(node_id = 2 layer_id = 0
vertex_id = 8 x = -1.000000 y = 1.000000 z = 1.000000 ); callback = 0x9c79dc
receive: verse_send_g_vertex_delete_real32(node_id = 2 vertex_id = 8 );
callback = 0x9c83c9

1) I sent delete vertex command, because I wanted to delete some vertex
2) I sent create vertex command, because I wanted to create new vertex
3) Verse Server sent me change_position of existing vertex (vertex with
id still wasn't deleted) ... verse-blender can't do more, then verse
blender changed position of existing vertex
4) Verse Server sent me delete command of existing vertex ...
conclusion, old vertex was deleted, but new vertex wasn't created

You probably know, that I do some synchronization between verse data and
blender data ... I have still one "blender" vertex in first verse-blender.

this had received second verse-blender:

receive: verse_send_g_vertex_set_xyz_real32(node_id = 2 layer_id = 0
vertex_id = 8 x = -1.000000 y = 1.000000 z = 1.000000 ); callback = 0x9c79dc
receive: verse_send_g_vertex_delete_real32(node_id = 2 vertex_id = 8 );
callback = 0x9c83c9

but other verse blender and other verse apps doesn't have this vertex
now. This causes inconsistency, which is very confusing for users.

I don't want to send new vertexes or new polygons with some not used
ids. Why? Because some other verse application can create vertex with
same id at the same time and it will cause some inconsistency again.


I will probably do fork of verse (specification, verse server and verse
library) and I will try to create something, that fits me needs and
needs of some other applications. Why? When I have some problem, then
you eskil has suggested only some evil hacks. I don't want to do it in
this way. I don't want to do evil hacks.

Best regards,


eskil at obsession.se napsal(a):
> Hi
>> Verse server sent me at the first time create command of vertex with id
>> 8 (this command didn't created any vertex, but it only changed position
>> of vertex with id 8) and then this command was followed with delete
>> command for vertex with id 8. Conclusion: first vertex was deleted, but
>> second wasn't created.
>> ... this is hell! :-(
> Well there is nothing wrong with the print out that i can see. You
> delete vertex 8, then you create a new vertex and you dont specify the
> id, so the server has to choose the id. The server chooses the id 8
> (that no longer is taken). And rather then deleting a vertex just to
> re-create it it just sends a create (in other words a move).
> Try this: dont let verse pick you ids- rather then creating
> vertices/polys with id -1 find a not used id and use that. If you look
> inside Loq that is how i do it. Then you have better control.
> BTW I would really like a new version of verse-blender to show at
> siggraph, could you upload alater version someplace.
> Cheers
> E

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