[Verse-dev] Verse Blender source and 32bit linux binary

Jiří Hnídek jiri.hnidek at tul.cz
Mon Jul 31 11:45:48 CEST 2006

this is new release of Verse Blender. It is based on current cvs blender
. Whats new?

1) I have fixed several bugs. Mesh editing should be more stable now,
but I haven't tested all mesh tools. UNDO should be more stable now,
because undo steps resend whole geometry (not effective, but  I can't do
it in different way and it just works *hopefully*).

2) Verse Blender isn't automatically subscribed to all geometry data,
but Verse Blender is really subscribe to geometry data, when you click
at Subscribe item in popup menu in Outliner.

3) Linked duplication create new object node at verse server and create
link between geometry node now. Duplication works now to, but it is
possible to duplicate only one object (duplicated object is
automatically switched to editmode).

4) I haven't work at sharing of bitmap node for several months, but it
should work with Verse Gimp.

Source code (Makefile build system is supported):

Linux binary 32bit striped (build at Ubuntu Linux Dapper Drake 6.06):

Old, but still usefull documentation:

Notes: debug print of Verse Blender and Verse Server is disabled; Linux
binary doesn't contain GE; I have discovered several bugs in verse
server (spec) and I have tried to solve them with some evil hacks, but I
can't say, that everything will perfectly works at 100%; I will try to
work at Verse Blender and I will uploads some new binaries.

Best regards,

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