[Verse-dev] Bug or in verse server

Jiří Hnídek jiri.hnidek at tul.cz
Tue Jul 25 09:59:44 CEST 2006


eskil at obsession.se napsal(a):
> Hi
>> send: verse_send_g_polygon_delete(node_id = 3 polygon_id = 0 );
>> ...
>> send: verse_send_g_polygon_set_corner_uint32(node_id = 3 layer_id = 1
>> polygon_id = 4294967295 v0 = 12 v1 = 14 v2 = 7 v3 = 3 );
>> ...
>> receive: verse_send_g_polygon_set_corner_uint32(node_id = 3 layer_id = 1
>> polygon_id = 0 v0 = 0 v1 = 4 v2 = 14 v3 = 12 ); callback = 0x9c9d7d
>> ...
>> receive: verse_send_g_polygon_delete(node_id = 3 polygon_id = 0 );
>> callback = 0x9c9c3c
>> As you can see, shaking of order of verse command is very BAD in this
>> case, because verse server deletes new created face in my verse
>> application, but old face wasn't deleted.
> Interesting. When i first looked at this i assumed that verse was
> broken. But now I'm not so sure... Does it also happen when you don't
> use the id 4294967295? (you know you can choose the id of polygons
> yourself.)

Hmm, interesting, but I guess, that it will not help me too much :-(.

> I will look in to this further. if could be connected to the semicolon
> bug Emil found.
> You now you don't need to delete the old polygon, you can just over
> write it with a new one. So tor instance if you split a polygon in to
> two, you change the reference of the original polygon to become the
> first half then you create a new one to become the second half.

I know, that I needn't do delete old polygon, when I split polygon, but
Blender does it in different way and I can only follow changes done by
Blender. I can't rewrite every tool in Blender to be verse safe, because
there are millions of such tools.

Best regards,


> Cheers
> E
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